Fig. 7. G-CSF is a major epigenetically regulated cytokine expressed by glioma stem-like cells.
(A) Cytokine array analysis performed on conditioned media from wtIDH1 and mIDH1 neurospheres. (B) H3K4me3 and (C) H3K27me3 occupancy at specific genomic regions of Csf3 gene. (D) Experimental design for ChIP-seq analysis of mIDH1 patient-derived neurospheres (SF10602) treated with vehicle or the mIDH1 inhibitor (AGI-5198). (E to I) Histone marks occupancy at specific genomic regions of CSF3 gene in SF10602 treated with mIDH1 inhibitor (AGI-5198, blue) compared to untreated cells (gray). (J to L) Quantitative ELISA of the G-CSF level in mouse serum of tumor-bearing animals (J), conditioned media from cultured mouse neurospheres (K), and conditioned media from cultured human neurospheres (L) expressing wtIDH1 or mIDH1. (M) Analysis of TCGA data for CSF3 gene expression in mIDH1 glioma patients harboring TP53 and ATRX mutation (n = 99) and wtIDH1 (n = 82). (N) Quantitative ELISA of serum G-CSF from glioma patients with wtIDH1 or mIDH1 (astrocytoma). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.005, Student’s t test.