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. 2021 Sep 16;12:693124. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.693124


Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace approximation) for the corpus data.

Formula: overlap ∼ 1 + group size × transition type + (1 + transition type | T2_ID)
Model summary
AIC BIC logLik Deviance df.resid
1,782.7 1,819.5 −884.4 1,768.7 1,408
Scaled residuals
Min 1st Quartile Median 3rd Quartile Max
−1.0534 −0.7232 −0.5812 1.2107 1.9376

Groups: Term Variance Std. Dev. Corr

Random effects:
T2_ID: Intercept 0.12422 0.3525
T2_ID: transition_type [QR] 0.07033 0.2652 −1.00

Number of obs 1415
Number of groups (T2_ID) 60

Estimate Std. Err. z p

Fixed effects
(Intercept) −0.74698 0.07852 −9.513 <2e-16***
group_size [S.dyadic] −0.39172 0.15649 −2.503 0.0123*
transition_type [S.QR] 0.13720 0.12931 1.061 0.2887
group size [S.dyadic]:transition_type [S.QR] 0.55533 0.25734 2.158 0.0309*

The response family was binomial with a logit link. Group Size and Transition Type are sum coded (±0.5).