Table 1.
Baseline Demographics and Baseline Characteristics of Included Studies (AF/no AF)
Author/Year | Country | No. of patients | Study design | Follow-up, years (Mean)a | Age, years (Mean) |
Stroke History (%) | AF ascertainment | Cognitive impairment ascertainment | Dementia ascertainment | Comprehensiveness of assessment for cognitive impairment/dementia |
Ott 1997c | Netherlands |
6584 (157/6151) |
Cross-sectional | NA | ΝΑ | ΝΑ | EKG | MMSE |
MMSE; Geriatric Mental Schedule; CAMDEN; DSM III; brain MRI; examination by neurologist; medical records; criteria with a subdiagnosis of Alzheimer's disease based on NINCDS-ADRDA; criteria with subdiagnosis of vascular dementia in accordance with NINDS-AIREN |
Cognitive impairment: No Dementia: Yes |
Cacciatore 1998 | Italy |
1075 (88 vs 987) |
Cross-sectional | NA |
73.9 (NA) |
0 | NA | MMSE | NA |
Cognitive impairment: No Dementia: NA |
Tilvis 2004 | Finland |
629 (61/568) |
Prospective | 5 | NA |
8.6 (NA) |
History, medical records | MMSE | CDR |
Cognitive impairment: No Dementia: No |
Debette 2006 | France |
83 (32 /51) |
Cross-sectional | NA |
62 (NA) |
NA | NA | MMSE | NA |
Cognitive impairment: No Dementia: NA |
Joswiak 2006 | Poland |
2314 (547/1467) |
Cross-sectional | NA | 76 | NA | EKG | MMSE | NA |
Cognitive impairment: No Dementia: NA |
Forti 2007 | Italy |
431 (13/418) |
Prospective | 4 |
75 (NA) |
NA | History | MMSE | NINCDS-ADRDA criteria, CDR, Petersen criteria for MCI |
Cognitive impairment: No Dementia: Yes |
Rastas 2007 | Finland |
339 (72/267) |
Prospective | 3.5 |
88 (NA) |
20 (NA) |
Medical records | MMSE | DSM-III Revised criteria, neurologist’s clinical examination, MMSE, and Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire tests; CDR, Actives of Daily Living, and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living scales; delirium excluded; history/interviews; consensus by two neurologists needed |
Cognitive impairment: No Dementia: Yes |
Bilato 2009 | Italy |
1576 (135/1441) |
Retrospective | 4 |
76 (79/74) |
4.5 (8.8/4.2) |
EKG | MMSE, clock drawing tests | NA |
Cognitive impairment: No Dementia: NA |
Peters 2009 | UK |
3369 (190/3146) |
Prospective | 1.8 |
84 (NA) |
6.5 (NA) |
NA | NA | MMSE, clock drawing tests; DSM-IV criteria; brain CT assessed by two neuroradiologists and modified ischaemic score/Hachinski ischaemic score |
Cognitive impairment: NA Dementia: Yes |
Bunch 2010b | USA |
37025 (10161/26864) |
Retrospective | 5 |
60.7 (68/58) |
3.6 (4.7/3.2) |
Medical Records, ICD-9 codes | NA | Medical Records, ICD-9 codes |
Cognitive impairment: NA Dementia: No |
Dublin 2011 | USA |
3045 (132/2913) |
Prospective | 6.8 |
74.1 (77/74) |
0 | ICD Codes | NA | Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument, DSM-IV, NINCDS-ADRDA |
Cognitive impairment: NA Dementia: Yes |
Marengoni 2011 | Sweden |
685 (68/617) |
Prospective | 4 |
78 (NA) |
NA | ICD codes, history, medical records | MMSE | DSM-III |
Cognitive impairment: No Dementia: Yes |
Marzona 2012 | USA |
31506 (27864/3068) |
Prospective | 4.7 (median) |
66.5 (66.3/69.4) |
21d (27.6/20.5) |
EKG | MMSE | MMSE, reported dementia |
Cognitive Impairment: No Dementia: No |
Yoshihara 2012 | Brazil |
1524 (37/1487) |
Cross-sectional | NA |
72.2 (77.7/72.1) |
NA | EKG | NA | DSM-IV, Diagnostic tool developed by the 10/66 Dementia Research Group and validated for low income countries, community screening instrument for dementia (CSI-D), modified version of the CERAD ten word list, community directed version of the geriatric mental state |
Cognitive Impairment: NA Dementia: Yes |
Polidoro 2013 | Italy |
140 (70/70) |
Cross-sectional | NA |
79.2 (79.3/79,1) |
21.4 (22.9/20) |
Cognitive impairment: No Dementia: NA |
Bellomo 2012 | Italy | 57 (26/31) | Cross-sectional | NA |
71.8 (71.4/72.1) |
0 | EKG | MMSE | NA |
Cognitive impairment: No Dementia: NA |
Habeych 2015 | USA | 17062 (898/16164) | Case-control | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | ICD-9 codes |
Cognitive impairment: NA Dementia: No |
Haring 2013 | USA | 6433 (255/6178) | Prospective | 8.6 | NA | 0 | NA | 3MSE | Modified Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD) battery of neuropsychological tests and standardized interviews, DSM-IV |
Cognitive impairment: Yes Dementia: Yes |
Author/Year | Country | No. of patients | Study design | Follow-up, years (Mean)a |
Age, years (Mean) |
Stroke History (%) | AF ascertainment | Cognitive impairment ascertainment | Dementia ascertainment | Comprehensiveness of assessment for cognitive disorder/dementia |
Salehi 2013 | Iran |
189 (93/96) |
Prospective | 1 (overall) |
71.2 (71.1/71.3) |
0 | EKG | NA | DSM-IV |
Cognitive impairment: NA Dementia: yes |
Horstmann 2014 | Germany |
718 (165/ 623) |
Cross-sectional | NA |
66.8 (75.5/64.5) |
0 | History, EKG, holter monitoring | IQCODE >3.44 | IQCODE ≥4 |
Cognitive impairment: Yes Dementia: Yes |
Alosco 2015 | USA |
187 (60/127) |
Cross-sectional | NA | 68.5 (70.9 /67.3) | 0 | History | Modified MMSE, Trail making test A and B, Digit symbol coding, boston naming test, Animal fluency test, CVLT-II long delay free recall and total recognition hits | NA |
Cognitive Impairment: yes Dementia: NA |
Annweiler 2015 | France |
267 (58/209) |
Cross-sectional | NA |
83.3 (NA) |
19.9 (NA) | EKG, History | MMSE | NA |
Cognitive impairment: No Dementia: NA |
Rusanen 2014 | Finland |
1510 (NA) |
Prospective | 25.5 |
50.3 (NA) |
7.2 (NA) |
ICD codes | MMSE | MMSE, Finnish version of CERAD |
Cognitive impairment: NA Dementia: Yes |
Ding 2018 | Sweden |
2658 (243/2442) |
Prospective | 9 |
73.1 (80.9/72.3) |
4.3d (13.2/3.4) |
Cognitive function: No Dementia: Yes |
Elias 2006 | USA |
1011 (59/952) |
Prospective | 30 | 61.4 (68/61) | 0 | EKG, holter monitoring, history |
Multiple tests from the Wechsler adult intelligence scale and Halstead-Reitan Battery for the assessment of multiple cognitive domains |
NA |
Cognitive impairment: Yes Dementia: NA |
De Bruijn 2015c | Netherlands |
6514 (318/6196) |
Prospective | 20 (overall) |
68.6 (75.7/68.3) |
3d (NA) |
EKG | NA | Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorders of the Elderly |
Cognitive impairment: NA Dementia: Yes |
Di Nisio 2015 | Italy |
309 (103 /206) |
Cross-sectional | NA |
77.5 (77.7/77.4) |
4.5 (24.3/12.2) |
MMSE, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure, Corsi block-tapping task, digit span test, verbal span test, Babcock’s story, Raven’s pro- gressive matrices and attentive matrices |
Cognitive impairment: Yes Dementia: Yes |
Jefferson 2015 | USA |
9720 (583/9137) |
Cross-sectional | NA | NA | 0 | EKG | Petersen criteria, CDR, MMSE, Digit Span Forward, Digit Symbol, Trail Making Test (A, B), Digit Span Backward, Boston Naming Test, Animal Naming, Vegetable Naming, Logical Memory (Immediate/Delayed Recall) | NA |
Cognitive impairment: Yes Dementia: NA |
Liao 2015 | Taiwan | 665330 (332665/332665) | Prospective | 12 |
70.3 (70.3/70.3) |
24.7 (32.3/17.2) |
ICD-9 codes | NA | ICD-9 codes |
Cognitive impairment: NA Dementia: No |
Bunch 2016b | USA |
6030 (3000/3030) |
Retrospective | 7.1 (median) | 69.3 (69.3/69.3) |
5.1 (5.2/4.9) |
Cognitive impairment: NA Dementia: No |
Coma 2016 | Spain |
881 (187/794) |
Cross-sectional | NA |
72.6 (NA) |
12 (14 11.5) |
NA | MMSE | NA |
Cognitive impairment: No Dementia: NA |
Dugger 2016 | USA |
17008 (1003/16005) |
Cross-sectional | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Uniform Data Set (UDS), composed of standardized clinical evaluations at Alzheimer’s Disease Centers (ADCs) funded by the National Institute of Aging |
Cognitive impairment: NA Dementia: Yes |
Ma 2016 | China |
5067 (174/ 4893) |
Cross-sectional | NA |
72.1 (NA) |
24.1 (NA) |
History | Modified Petersen criteria | NA |
Cognitive impairment: Yes Dementia: NA |
Marzona 2016 | Italy |
1627631 (27431/1600200) |
Prospective | 12 |
75.3 (78.4/75.2) |
1 (7.3/0.9) |
EKG | NA | ICD-9 codes |
Cognitive impairment: NA Dementia: No |
Pulignano 2016 | Italy |
331 (98/233) |
Prospective | 1 |
78 (78/77) |
10 (11.2/9.4) |
Cognitive impairment: No Dementia: NA |
Graff -Radford 2016 | USA |
1044 (141/903) |
Cross-sectional | NA |
77.8 (NA) |
5.4 (9.9/4.7) |
EKG | NA | Petersen criteria for MCI |
Cognitive impairment:NA Dementia:No |
Walters 2016 | UK |
800013 (24763/775250) |
Retrospective | 5 (median) | 65.6 ±6.1(NA) | 4.9(NA) | Medical records | NA | ICD-10 |
Cognitive impairment: NA Dementia: No |
Alonso 2017c | USA |
6432 (611/5821) |
Cross-sectional | NA |
76.2 (79/76) |
4.5 (10/4) |
EKG during study visit or any prior visit, or ICD-9 code at any point | NA |
NIA-AA and NINDS-AIREN criteria |
Cognitive impairment: NA Dementia: Yes |
Yang 2017 | China |
188 (72 /116) |
Cross-sectional | NA |
66.3 (68.9/64.6) |
0 | History | The Beijing version of MoCA | NA |
Cognitive impairment: Yes Dementia: NA |
Singh-Manoux 2017 | UK |
7428 (414/7014) |
Prospective | 14.7 |
55.7 (58.8/55.5) |
15 (NA) |
EKG, ICD codes | Cognitive test battery, comprising of the following cognitive tests: 20-word free recall for memory, Alice Heim 4-1 for reasoning, measures of phonemic and semantic fluency. A global cognitive score was calculated based on the above | ICD-10 codes |
Cognitive impairment: Yes Dementia: No |
Pavel 2018 | Russia |
100 (48/50) |
Cross-sectional | NA |
77 (78/76) |
Cognitive impairment: Yes Dementia: No |
Chen 2018c | USA | 12515 (2106/10409) | Prospective | 20.2 |
56.9 (59.3/56,4) |
2 (1/2) |
EKG, ICD-9 codes | Cognitive battery comprising of delayed word recall (DWR), digit symbol substitution (DSS), subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, first letter word fluency |
DSM-V, NIA-AA, ICD-9 codes |
Cognitive impairment: Yes Dementia: Yes |
Dongmin Kim 2019 | Korea |
262611 (10435/252176) |
Prospective | 8 (overall) |
70.7 (71.7/70.7) |
0 | NA | NA | KDSQ, ICD-10 codes |
Cognitive impairment: NA Dementia: No |
aUnless otherwise specified
bStudies with overlapping population
cStudies with overlapping population
dData for stroke-free patients were also reported
CAD Coronary Artery Disease; CDR Clinical Dementia Rating; CVLT-II California Verbal Learning Test-II; EKG Electrocardiogram; FCSRT Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test; GMS Geriatric Mental Schedule; HLD Hyperlipidemia; HTN Hypertension; ICD International Classification of Diseases; IQCODE Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly; KDSQ Korean Dementia Screening Questionnaire; MMSE Multi-Mental State Exam; MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment; NA Not Applicable