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. 2021 Sep 27;7:23337214211041801. doi: 10.1177/23337214211041801

Table 2.

Observational Studies Measuring Spontaneous Swallow Frequency in Patients with, or at Risk of Developing, Dysphagia.

Author, year Aetiology N Sub-group Swallow rate (/min) p Additional details Swallow identification method
Crary et al. (2014) Stroke, known dysphagia 26 Dysphagia 0.23 (±0.15) <0.0001 Acute stroke patients screened using SSF (via acoustic analysis) vs. standard clinical screening protocols for dysphagia identification Microphone taped lateral inferior to the cricoid and connected to a digital recorder (Crary et al., 2013)
o dysphagia



0.55 (±0.3)
Niimi et al. (2018) Stroke, high SP 17 High-risk 0.51 ± 0.34 0.016 To determine the relationship between SSF and salivary substance p (SP) levels. SP is known to act as a neurotransmitter in the swallowing reflex. Low levels of SP in saliva attenuate the swallowing reflex. SSF data collected for 1-hr per condition Microphone placed onto the anterolateral side of the neck
Stroke, low SP


0.27 ± 0.19
Murray et al. (1996) Older, hospitalised, full cohort 47 N/A

0.89 (±0.85) Investigation of SSF in the predication of aspiration of food and liquid, following dysphagia categorisation using fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES)
Older, hospitalised, aspiration 29 0.72 (±0.78)
Older, hospitalised, no aspiration 18 1.16 (±0.91)
Older, normal


2.82 (±1.71)

Young, normal

2.96 (±0.88)
Crary et al. (2013) Older, normal 11 Healthy old 0.47 <0.0001 To evaluate an acoustic recording technique as a measure to estimate SSF. No significant differences in spontaneous swallow frequency were observed between the multichannel physiologic recordings and the acoustic recordings (0.85 vs. 0.81 sw/min) Multichannel recordings including surface EMG, swallow apnoea and cervical auscultation. Microphone for acoustic recordings attached just below the lateral cricoid cartilage

Young, normal


Healthy yng

Tanaka et al. (2013) Older, normal 20 Healthy old 0.16 (±0.08) 0.023 SSF in older people during daily life: a comparison of (1) older persons versus young, and (2) older bedridden versus older semi-bedridden. Recorded for 1-hr each time Laryngeal microphone and digital voice recorder
Bedridden 10 High-risk 0.11 (±0.06)



Healthy old

0.2 (±0.09)
Young, normal 15 Healthy yng 0.68 (±0.33) <0.0001
Trocello et al. 2015 Wilson's disease, dysphagic 2 N/A 0.97 >0.05 Examination of hypersialorrhea in Wilson’s disease and association with dysphagia severity. SSF recorded for 10 mins Stethoscope attached to the neck and a microphone connected to a rhinolaryngeal stroboscope
Wilson's disease, non-dysphagic 6 N/A 1.35

Young, normal


Healthy yng

Kamarunas et al. 2019 Oropharyngeal dysphagia, post-CVA 9 Dysphagia 0.73 (±0.75) 0.48 Group comparisons on SSF without vibration intervention. Data used as baseline information for study aiming to evaluate whether sensory stimulation could excite an impaired swallowing system (via use of SSF) 1) Hyolaryngeal elevation (piezoelectric accelerometer peaks)
2) respiratory apnoea (inductive plethysmography - absence of ribcage/abdomen movement)
3) note from trained observer
Oropharyngeal dysphagia, post-radiation for H&N cancer 4 Dysphagia 0.7 (±1.15)

Healthy control



Taken from Mulheren and Ludlow (2017)
Pehlivan et al. (1996) Parkinson’s 21 Parkinson’s 0.8 <0.05 Use of “Digital Phagometer” (piezoelectric sensor and digital event counter) to measure SSF in patients with Parkinson’s Piezoelectric sensor placed at the coniotomy region between the thyroid and cricoid cartilages

Healthy control


Healthy yng

Marks and Weinreich (2001) Parkinson’s 28 Parkinson’s 0.55 (±0.32) Use of an electret microphone to measure SSF to give an indication of drooling in patients with Parkinson’s Microphone positioned over the centre of the cricoid cartilage

Healthy, age-matched control


Healthy old

0.13 (±0.03)
Kalf et al. (2011) Parkinson’s, droolers 15 Parkinson’s 0.51 (±0.39) 0.346 Factors potentially contributing to drooling, including SSF, examined in Parkinson’s patients with and without diurnal saliva loss EMG, motion sensor (at larynx) and video

Parkinson’s, non-droolers



0.4 (±0.26)