a,b) Reconstruction of a printed filament obtained from X-ray Nano-Computed
Tomography: (a) slice perpendicular to the filament axis and (b)
3D rendering of the central region of the filament. c) 3D visualization
of the region considered to calculate porosity: (i) PG platelets,
(ii) pores, and (iii) simultaneous visualization of PG platelets and
pores. d) Pore size distribution in the printed filament. e) Orientation
of the platelets in the central (i), (iii) and outer (ii), (iv) regions
of the filament: (i) and (ii) represent slices perpendicular to the
filament axis, while (iii) and (iv) represent slices along the filament
axis. f) Radial histograms presenting the orientation of platelets
in the central (left) and outer (right) regions of the printed filament,