A) CD19+ B cells are identified from live single CD14-CD16- cells in a healthy control (left) or COVID-19 (right) participant. B) Percentage of CD19+ B cells are shown for healthy controls (n=8) or hospitalized COVID-19 patients (n=46) over time, measured as days post symptom onset. Six patients contributed more than one timepoint. C) CD19+ B cells are further subsetted as unswitched memory B cells (MBC), isotype-switched CD27+ MBC and CD27- MBC, and plasmablasts (PB). Unswitched MBC are identified as CD27+IgD+, while MBC and PB are IgD- and then separated by CD27 and CD38 expression. D) Unswitched MBC, CD27+ MBC, CD27- MBC and plasmablasts are shown as % of CD19+ cells in healthy controls and COVID-19 patients. Significance is calculated by Brown-Forsythe ANOVA test. *p≤0.05, **p≤0.01, ***p≤0.001