Age (Years) |
Gender: |
Male |
Female |
Prefer Not To Say |
Other ____ |
Where do you practice: |
Own Clinic |
Government Institute |
Private Institute |
Charitable Institute |
Other ____ |
Approximate years of experience in Ophthalmology |
Which sub speciality do you practice: |
Vitreo Retina |
Medical Retina |
Pediatric Ophthalmology |
Comprehensive/General Ophthalmology |
Other ____ |
Approximate years of experience in sub speciality |
Professional memberships: |
Vitreoretinal Society Of India (VRSI) |
Indian ROP (iROP) Society |
Strabismus And Pediatric Ophthalmological Society Of India (SPOSI) |
All India Ophthalmological Society Of India (AIOS) |
Approximate years of experience in ROP screening and treatment |
Approximate number of infants screened per month (fresh and follow up) |
Approximate number of infants treated per month |
Do you use anti-VEGF injection in treating ROP |
Yes |
No |
Approximate no. of infants treated with anti-VEGF per month: |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
>10 |
Other ____ |
In which of the following situation you are most likely to use anti-VEGF: |
Type 1 ETROP (staged ROP with plus disease) |
APROP/Hybrid ROP |
When laser cannot be done (non-dilating pupil, dense tunica vasculosa lentis, vitreous haze) |
Persistent or recurrent plus disease |
Not applicable |
Other____ |
Which anti-VEGF do you most often use in ROP? (Considering Safety, Efficacy, Medico Legal Issue, Cost): |
Bevacizumab |
Ranibizumab |
Aflibercept |
Bio similar (Razumab) |
Other____ |
Did injecting anti-VEGF for ROP in your practice under go any change after the DGCI ban on Avastin (ban was lifted for adults) |
Yes, I have stopped using anti-VEGF altogether for ROP |
Yes, I have stopped using Avastin and started using Ranibizumab for ROP |
Yes, I am still using avastin but taking a written informed consent where details about off label use, lack of safety profile in preterm and possible effect on neuro development are mentioned |
No, I am still using avastin with general consent for intravitreal injection |
Not applicable |
Other___ |
What dose of anti-VEGF do you use in ROP? |
Similar to an adult dose |
Half of an adult dose |
One-fourth of an adult dose |
Less than one-fourth of an adult dose |
Not applicable |
Other____ |
What type of anaesthesia do you use during intravitreal injection in infants? |
Topical |
General |
Sedation |
Not applicable |
Other____ |
Where do you perform the injection procedure? |
Out patient |
Minor OR |
Main OR |
Any of the above depending up on the systemic status of the neonate |
Not applicable |
At what distance from limbus do you inject anti-VEGF in preterm infants? |
1MM |
1.5MM |
2MM |
Not applicable |
Which quadrant do you prefer for injecting anti-VEGF in preterm infants? |
Supero nasal |
Supero temporal |
Infero nasal |
Infero temporal |
Any of the above depending upon infants bells reflex |
Not applicable |
Other____ |
What is your treatment protocol? |
One eye at a time |
Both eyes together |
Not applicable |
Other____ |
When do you inject in other eye? (if you are injecting in one at a time) |
How do you obtain and prepare your anti-VEGF injection for ROP? |
Pre filled syringes and stored in refrigerator |
Lab made aliquots and stored in refrigerator |
Direct from vial (single use) |
Direct from vial (multiple use) |
Not applicable |
Other____ |
What is your follow up protocol/schedule after injection of anti-VEGF? |
Twice a week |
Weekly |
Fortnightly |
Guided by the disease severity prior to injection |
Not applicable |
Other____ |
What type of consent do you take before using anti-VEGF in ROP? |
I am taking a specially drafted/written consent before using anti-VEGF in ROP |
AIOS and VRSI consent for Avastin |
A general consent for anti-VEGF injection/surgery |
I am not taking consent before using anti-VEGF in ROP |
Not applicable |
Does your consent form have points that the drug is ‘off label, not validated for safety and can cause potential unknown and known side effects including neuro developmental delay and abnormalities? |
Yes |
No |
Sometimes or partly |
Not applicable |
Do you photo document your cases before and after giving injection anti-VEGF? |
Yes |
No |
Sometimes or partly |
Not applicable |
Do you perform fundus angiography any timeprior, or after injection anti-VEGF |
Yes |
No |
Sometimes or partly |
Not applicable |
Do you perform any additional systemic monitoring for eyes that receive anti-VEGF medication (over and above laser treated eyes)? |
Yes |
No |
On discretion of neonatologist |
Not applicable |
Are you aware that VRSI has provided guidelines for use of anti-VEGF in adults (after the ban was lifted) but does not mention the use of the drug in infants or ROP? |
Yes |
No |
Do you feel the need for a recommendation on the use of anti-VEGF for treatment of ROP in INDIA? |
Yes |
No |
Are the results of this survey likely to alter your pattern of anti-VEGF use in ROP? |
Yes |
No |
Cannot say at present |