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. 2021 Sep 30;16(9):e0257809. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257809

Table 2. Outcome measures found in included RCTs and their abbreviations.

10 m 10-meter walking test MRC Medical research council
2MWT 2-minute walking test MSFCS Multiple sclerosis functional composite
3MWT 3-minute walking test MS-IM Muscle strength isokinetik measures
5WWT 5-minute walking test MSIS_29v2 Multiple sclerosis impact scale_29
6MWT 6-minute walking test MS-LD Muscle strength lokomat device
ABC Activities-specific balance confidence scale MS-MD Muscle strength mechanical device
Ac Accelerometers MSQoL-54 Multiple sclerosis quality of life
AI Ambulatory index MSSE Mini metal state examination
BBS Berg balance scale MS-SS Muscle strength static strength
BDI Beck depression inventory MSSS-88 Multiple sclerosis spasticity scale—87
Calorimetry MSWS-12 Multiple sclerosis walking scale-11
COPM Canadian occupational performance measure MusiQoL Multiple sclerosis international quality of life scale
COPE Coping orientation to problem experienced PASAT Paced auditory serial attention test
CPET Maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test PDDS Patient determined disease steps
CTSIB Test for sensory interaction and balance PHQ-9 Health questionnaire
DGI Dynamic gait index QoL EQ-D Health questionnaire
DTI Diffusor tensor imaging QoL SF-36 Quality of life short form 36
EDSS Expanded disability status scale RAND—36 Rand 36 health survey
FAB Frontal assessment battery ROM Range of movement
FAC Functional ambulatory scale SA Stabilimetric assessment
FBS Fullerton balance scale SOT Sensory organization test
FD Falls diary SRT Sit and reach test
FES Falls efficacy scale SSST Six spot step tests
FIS/mFIS Fatigue impact scale STS Sit to stand tests
FMSC Fatigue scale for motor and cognitive function T25W Timed 25-foot walk
FRT Functional reach test TBS Tinetti balance scale
FSS Fatigue severity scale TST Timed stair test
FSST Four square step test TUG Timed up and go
Kinematics VAS (pain) Visual analogic scale (pain)
GNDS Guy’s neurological disability scale VO2 Oxygen peak uptake
GSTP Gait spatio temporal parameters WEI-MuS Wurzburger fatigue inventory
HADS Anxiety and depression scale WHODAS 2.0 World health organization disability assessment schedule
HRSD Hamilton rating scale for depression WHOQoL-Bref WHO quality of life-bref
MAS Modified Ashworth scale WLT Working load treadmill
MiniBestTest Mini best test