1–3 |
SiSSN at SNRs of −2, −5, and −8 dB |
Widely used in the literature; used for calibration of prediction model |
4 and 5 |
SiB at SNRs of 4 and −2 dB |
Simulates ecologically relevant cocktail-party listening; has different masker modulation statistics from SiSSN |
6 |
SiB at 6 dB SNR subjected to reverberation (T60 = 2.4 s) |
Reverberation is ubiquitous in everyday listening environments (e.g., rooms and stairwells); linearly distorts temporal information |
7 |
SiB at 4 dB SNR subjected to 64-channel envelope vocoding |
Used to investigate the role of TFS in target-speech coding and intelligibility |
8 |
SiB at −6 dB SNR subjected to 64-channel ITFS |
ITFS is a precursor to deep-learning-based denoising algorithms that are increasingly used in many audio processing applications, including hearing aids (Wang and Chen, 2018); nonlinear distortion |