First author (ref) | Country | Year | Gender | Cases (n) | Controls (n) | Age - mean or range (cases) | Age - mean or range (controls) | Exposure | Exposure assessment | Outcome | Outcome assessment | Categorical or continuous | OR, RR, or HR (95%CI) | Adjustment2 | |
1 | Annema et al (78) | Australia | 2011 | M/F | 834 | 939 | 40–79 | 40–79 | Potatoes | FFQ (valid) | CRC | Australian Cancer Registry | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 1.14 (0.87,1.5) | 1,2,6,7,8,16,17,30,27 |
2 | Kampman et al. (96) | Netherland | 1995 | M/F | 232 | 259 | >75 | 75> | Potatoes | Dietary history | Colon cancer | Cancer registries | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 0.67 (0.37–1.22) | 1,2,11,16,17 |
3 | Polesel et al. (107) | Italy | 2013 | M/F | 198 | 594 | 18–76 | 18–76 | Potatoes | FFQ (valid) | Nasopharyngeal | Histologically | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 1.53 (0.84–2.76) | 1,2,3,8,9,10,17 |
4 | Rai et al. (109) | India | 2006 | M/F | 153 | 153 | 53.10 ± 12.27 | 50.49 ± 12.48 | Potatoes | FFQ | Gallbladder | Histologically | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 0.74 (0.25–2.19) | |
5 | Tayyem et al. (114) | Jordan | 2014 | M/F | 220 | 281 | >18 | >18 | Mashed potatoes,fried potatoes | FFQ (valid) | CRC | Q4 vs. Q1,Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 1.12 (0.06–21.16),OR: 1.85 (0.54–6.35) | 3,7,8,16,44,19,32 | |
6 | Torkuz et al. (115) | Turkey | 2011 | M/F | 183 | 183 | 18–75 | 18–75 | Fried potatoes | FFQ | Nasopharyngeal cancer | Histologically | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 1.44 (0.91–2.28) | |
7 | Boeing te al. (81) | Germany | 1991 | M/F | 143 | 579 | 32–80 | 32–80 | Potatoes | FFQ | Stomach cancer | Histologically | T3 vs. T1 | RR: 0.81 (0.50, 1.32) | 1,2,9 |
8 | Bostetti et al. (82) | Italy | 2000 | M/F | 304 | 743 | 39–77 | 39–77 | Potatoes | FFQ | Esophageal cancer | Histologically | Q5 vs. Q1 | OR: 0.88 (0.53, 1.48) | 1,2,3,8,16,17 |
9 | Bravi et al. (85) | Italy | 2006 | M/F | 768 | 2078 | 22–79 | 22–79 | Potatoes | FFQ (valid) | Oral and pharyngeal cancer | Histologically | Q5 vs. Q1 | OR: 1.85 (1.19, 2.86), | 1,2,3,6,8,10,17 |
10 | Chan et al. (86) | USA | 2005 | M/F | 532 | 1701 | 21–85 | 21–85 | Potatoes | FFQ (valid) | PC | Histologically | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 1.4 (1.0–1.9) | 1,2,16 |
11 | Cornee et al. (30) | France | 1994 | M/F | 92 | 128 | 66.6 ± 10.4 | 66.6 ± 10.4 | Potatoes | Dietary history | Gastric cancer | Histologically | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 1.47 (0.72, 2.98) | 1,2,16,26 |
12 | Stefani et al. (87) | Uruguay | 2005 | M/F | 160-200 | 320-400 | 30–89,40–89 | 30–89, 40–89 | Potatoes | FFQ | Gastric cancer,esophagus cancer | Histologically,microscopically | Per 25 g/d | OR: 1.05 (,OR: 1.05 ( | 1,3,8,16,17,18,23 |
13 | Hoang et al. (92) | South Korea | 2016 | M/F | 415 | 830 | 53 | 53 | Potatoes | FFQ | Gastric cancer | Histologically | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 0.79 (0.57–1.09) | 3,7,8,11,14 |
14 | Deneo‐Pellegrini et al (89) | Uruguay | 1996 | M/F | 160 | 287 | 30–84 | 30–84 | Potatoes | FFQ | CRC | National Cancer Registry | T3 vs. T1 | RR: 0.74 (0.48–1.17) | 1,2,3,6,11,16,17 |
15 | Heck et al. (91) | France | 2008 | M/F | 513 | 713 | Potatoes | FFQ | Hypopharyngeal cancer | Pathological | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 0.48 (0.06, 3.86) | 1,2,3,4,17 | ||
16 | Ito et al. (95) | Japan | 2002 | F | 508 | 36, 490 | >30 | >30 | Potatoes | FFQ | Gastric cancer | Histologically | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 0.78 (0.53, 1.13) | 1,8,10,11 |
17 | Levi et al (97) | Switzerland | 1999 | M/F | 223 | 491 | <75 | <75 | Potatoes | FFQ (valid) | CRC | Histologically | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 1.41 (0.85, 2.33) | 1,2,3,4,6,7,16,17 |
18 | Bich NN et al. (80) | Japan | 2009 | M/F | 670 | 672 | Fried potatoes | FFQ | Stomach and CRC | Interview | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 0.88 (0.42–1.69) | 1,2 | ||
19 | Ping et al (105) | Sahara | 1998 | M/F | 100 | 265 | 40–84 | 40–84 | Potatoes | FFQ | CRC | Medical records | OR: 1.46 (0.90–2.37) | ||
20 | Steinmetz et al. (112) | Australia | 1993 | M/F | 121-99 | 241-197 | 63 | 63 | Mashed potatoes | FFQ | Colon cancer | Histologically | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 1.42 (0.72–2.80),OR: 1.37 (0.63–2.99) | 2,11,16,17,19,26,33 |
21 | Radosavljevic et al. (33) | Serbia | 2005 | M/F | 130 | 130 | 64.91 | 64.91 | Fried | FFQ | Bladder cancer | Clinical signs pathohistological finding | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 6.31 (2.91–13.70) | 8 |
22 | Pandey et al. (103) | India | 2002 | M/F | 64 | 101 | 45/95 | 45/95 | Potatoes | 30-d recall method | Gallbladder cancer | OR: 1.25 (0.19–10.3) | |||
23 | Mucci et al. (31) | Sweden | 2003 | M/F | 23-14-124-17 | 33-54-202-42 | 51–77 | 51–77 | French Fries,potato crisps,pan-fried potatoes,potatoes au gratin,total potatoes | FFQ | Bladder cancer | Population-based cancer registry | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 0.7 (0.4–1.1),OR: 0.9 (0.4–1.8),OR: 1.3 (0.7–2.4),OR: 0.5 (0.2–1.0),OR: 1.6 (0.7–3.5) | 1,2,6,8,16,17,18,19,21 |
Sweden | 2003 | M/F | 36-16-49-15 | 33-54-202-42 | 51–77 | 51–77 | French fries-potato crisps- pan-fried potato-potato au gratin- total potato | FFQ | Kidney cancer | Population -based cancer registry | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 0.7 (0.3–1.6),OR: 0.7 (0.3–1.9),OR: 0.7 (0.4–1.4),OR: 1.1 (0.4–2.6),OR: 0.8 (0.3–2.2) | 1,2,6,8,16,17,18,19,21 | ||
Sweden | 2003 | M/F | 58-48-226-59 | 33-54-202-42 | 51–77 | 51–77 | French fries-potato crisps- pan-fried potato-potato au gratin- total potato | FFQ | Large bowel cancer | Population-based cancer registry | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 0.8 (0.5–1.4),OR: 1.3 (0.8–2.1),OR: 0.8 (0.5–1.2)OR: 1.5 (0.8–2.7),OR: 1.2 (0.6–2.2) | 1,2,6,8,16,17,18,19,21 | ||
24 | Isa et al. (94) | China | 2013 | M/F | 487 | 469 | 60–79 | 60–79 | Potatoes | FFQ | Bladder cancer | Hospital | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 0.4 (0.2–0.9) | 1,2,8 |
25 | Balbi et al. (79) | Uruguay | 2001 | M/F | 144 | 576 | 40–89 | 40–89 | Potatoes | FFQ | Bladder cancer | Microscopically | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 0.38 (0.23, 0.64) | 1,2,3,6,8,16,17,25 |
26 | Stejneck et al. (111) | Sweden | 1990 | M/F | 418 | 511 | 79 | Fried potatoes | Questionnaire | Urothelial cancer | Histologically,cytologicallyregional cancer registry | Weekly vs. more seldom,T3 vs. T1 | RR: 1.6 (1.1, 2.6),RR: 1.8 (1.2–2.7) | 1,2,8 | |
27 | Demetriou et al. (88) | Cyprus | 2012 | F | 935 | 817 | 40–70 | Potatoes | FFQ | Breast cancer | Histologically | Per 100-g/wk | OR: 0.95 (0.87, 1.03) | 1,5,6,7,11,31,34 | |
28 | Mourouti et al. (101) | Greece | 2015 | F | 250 | 250 | 44–68 | 44–68 | Potatoes | FFQ (valid) | Breast cancer | Biopsy | OR: 1.23 (0.88, 1.68) | 1,6,7,8,11,31,34,35 | |
29 | Tajaddini et al. (113) | Iran | 2015 | F | 306 | 309 | 25–65 | 25–65 | Baked/boiled potato, fried potatoes | FFQ (valid) | Breast cancer | Histologically | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 0.45 (0.28–0.71),OR: 0.64 (0.39–1.05) | 1,6,16,32,36 |
30 | Pelucchi et al. (104) | Italy | 2003 | F | 2569-1031-1953 | 2588-2411-4154 | <79 | <79 | Fried/baked | FFQ (valid) | Breast cancer-ovarian cancer-large bowel cancer | Interview | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 0.9 (0.8–1.1),OR: 1.1 (0.9–1.3),OR: 0.8 (0.7–1.0) | 1,2,3,6,8,9,16,17 |
31 | Stott-Milleret et al. (26) | USA | 2013 | M | 1549 | 1492 | 35–74 | 35–74 | French fries-snack chips | FFQ | Prostate cancer | Population-based tumor registry | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 1.37 (1.11–1.69),OR: 1.08 (0.89–1.32) | 1,3,4,6,11,42 |
32 | Russnes et al. (110) | Norway | 2016 | M | 1499 | 1112 | 67/25 | 67/25 | Boiled potatoes | FFQ | Prostate cancer | Histologically, cytologically | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 1.12(0.87–1.42) | 1,3,6,8,9,16,22,23 |
33 | Plagens-Rotman et al. (106) | Poland | 2018 | F | 167 | 683 | 21–84 | 21–84 | French fries and chips | Questionnaire | Ovarian cancer | Histologically | Per 100-g/wk | OR: 2.06 (0.53–7.99) | 7 |
34 | Grieb et al. (90) | Georgia | 2006 | M/F | 333 | 333 | 64 | 64 | Fried potatoes | FFQ (valid) | Renal cancer | Interview | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 2.05 (1.19, 3.53) | 1,2,4,6,8,14 |
35 | Andreatta et al. (77) | Argentina | 2010 | M/F | 168 | 334 | 55 | 55 | Boiled Fried potatoes | FFQ (valid) | Urinary tract cancer | Histopathologically | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 0.47 (0.13–1.63) | 1,2,6,7,8,25,26 |
36 | Hue et al. (41) | China | 1997 | M/F | 227 | 227 | 53.2 | 53.2 | Potatoes | FFQ | Lung cancer | Histologically | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 0.8 (0.5–1.5) | 8,14 |
37 | Hue et al. (34) | Canada | 2002 | M/F | 161 | 483 | >20 | >20 | French fries/fried potatoes | FFQ | Lung cancer | Pathologically | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 1.7 (1.0–3.0) | 1,3,9,16,25 |
38 | Dosil-Diaz et al. (25) | Spain | 2008 | M/F | 295 | 322 | >35 | >35 | Potatoes | FFQ(valid) | Lung cancer | Histologically | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 0.08 (0.03–0.22) | 1,2,8,26 |
39 | Hu et al. (27) | China | 1988 | M/F | 241 | 241 | 25–80 | 25–80 | Potatoes | Interview | Stomach cancer | Histologically | - | OR: 1.54 (1.03–2.33) | 8,17 |
40 | Polesel et al. (108) | Italy | 2009 | M/F | 326 | 652 | 63 | 63 | Potatoes | FFQ (valid) | PC | Histologically | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 1.79 (1.12–2.86) | 1,2,3,6,8,9,10,12,16,17 |
41 | Lucenteforte et al. (99) | Italy | 2008 | M/F | 230 | 547 | 22–80 | 22–80 | Potatoes | FFQ | Stomach cancer | Histologically | Q5 vs. Q1 | OR: 2.04 (1.05–3.98) | 1,2,3,6,8,10,11,16 |
42 | Bosetti et al. (83) | Italy | 2002 | M/F | 527 | 1297 | 61 | 61 | Potatoes | FFQ (valid) | Laryngeal cancer | Histologically | OR: 1.86 (1.29–2.68) | 1,2,3,9,16,17 | |
43 | Lin et al. (98) | USA | 2009 | M/F | 844 | 888 | 64.4 | 64.9 | White potatoes | FFQ (valid) | Bladder cancer | Histologically | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 1.02 (0.75–1.39) | 1,2,8,16,17,45 |
44 | Ohba et al. (102) | Japan | 1996 | M/F | 141 | 282 | 64.4 | 64.4 | Potatoes | FFQ | PC | Pathologically | per 3 servings/wk | RR:1.06 (0.84–1.35) | 1,2,9 |
45 | Bravi et al. (84) | Italy | 2006 | M | 1369 | 1451 | 46–74 | - | Potatoes | FFQ (valid) | Prostate | Biopsy | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 0.9 (0.7–1.16) | 1,3,6,7,8,9,16,17 |
46 | Malagoli et al. (100) | Italy | 2019 | M/F | 380 | 719 | 55 | Potatoes | FFQ | Melanoma | Biopsy | T3 vs. T1 | OR: 0.83 (0.6–1.16) | 3,6,16 | |
47 | Maso et al. (122) | Italy | 2019 | M/F | 690 | 665 | 25–84 | 27–84 | Potatoes | FFQ | Bladder | Histologically | Q4 vs. Q1 | OR: 0.79 (0.54–1.13) | 1,2,3,8,9,12,16 |
48 | Shah et al. (116) | Malaysia | 2014 | M/F | 58 | 134 | 57.9 ± 12.79 | 57.6 ± 11.80 | Sauced or cooked potatoes | Dietary history | Gastric | Histologically | OR: 0.19 (0.05–0.68) | - | |
Fried potato | OR: 0.56 (0.29–1.07) | - |
CRC, colorectal cancer; F, females; M, males; PC, pancreatic cancer; RR, relative risk, T, tertile; Q1, Quartile1/Quintile 1; Q4, Quartile; Q5, quintile.
Adjustments: age (1), sex (2), education (3), race (4), height (4), BMI (5), physical activity (6), smoking (7), study center (8), year of interview (9), family history of cancer (10) and diabetes mellitus (11), hypertension (12), family income (13), number of meals per day (14), dietary intake of energy (15), alcohol (16), red meat (17), fruit and vegetable (18), fiber (19), fat (20), calcium (21), zinc (22), vitamin D (23), social class (24), employment in risky occupation (25), socioeconomic status (26), α-linolenic acid (27), nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug (28), multivitamin supplements (29), age at menarche (30), parity (31), age at first pregnancy (32), hormone therapy (33), age at menopause (34), menopausal status (35), aspirin (36), prostate-specific antigen testing in previous period (37), oral contraceptive use (38), skin color (39), sunburn (40), elastosis (41), treatment allocation (42), age at first birth (43), ethnicity (44), glycemic load (45).