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. 2021 May 17;12(5):1944–1956. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmab039


Summary of changes in dietary and cardiometabolic outcomes in the healthy food prescription studies included in the systematic review1

Changes in outcomes evaluated
Study Design Dietary behavior BMI BP Plasma lipids HbA1c Details2
Buyuktuncer (24) Pre/post ND NR NR NR NR Fruit consumption (portions/d) did not differ between baseline (median 3; range 0 to 7) and follow-up (median 2.5; range 0 to 6). Vegetable consumption (portions/d) did not differ between baseline (median 2; range 0 to 7) and follow-up (median 2; range 0 to 4).
Izumi (39) Pre/post ND NR NR NR NR Change in frequency of vegetable intake ≥2 cups/d = 25%.
Trapl (40) Pre/post + NR NR NR NR Change in fruit intake = 0.8 (0.6 to 1.0) servings/d. Change in vegetable intake = 0.8 (0.6 to 1.0) servings/d.
Forbes (25) Pre/post + NR NR NR NR Change in frequency of fruit intake ≥ 1/d = 25%. Change in frequency of dark green vegetables ≥ 1/wk = 25%. Change in frequency of orange-colored vegetables ≥1/wk = 50%. Change in frequency of other vegetables ≥ 1/wk = 25%. Statistical significance not tested
Orsega-Smith (42) Pre/post + NR NR NR NR Change in fruit intake = 0.4 (0.1 to 0.7) servings/d. Change in vegetable intake = 0.2 (–0.1 to 0.6) servings/d.
Bihan (37) RCT ND ND ND ND NR Change in fruit and vegetable intake = 0.12 (–0.42 to 0.66) servings/d.
Weinstein (38) RCT + NR ND ND ND Change in fruit intake = 0.5 (0.1 to 0.9) servings/d.
Seligman (43) Pre/post + NR NR NR + Change in fruit and vegetable intake = 0.3 servings/d. Change in HbA1c = –0.15%.
Emmert-Aronson (41) Pre/post + + + NR NR Change in fruit and vegetable intake = 1.2 (1.1 to 1.4) servings/d. Change in SBP = –6.7 (–7.5 to –6.0) mmHg. Change in BMI = –0.4 (–0.9 to 0.1) kg/m2.
Ferrer (44) RCT NR ND NR NR + Change in HbA1c = –1.4% (–2.7, –0.1).
Bryce (26) Pre/post NR NR ND NR + Change in HbA1c = –0.7%.
Cavanagh (27) Pre/post with externally matched controls NR + NR NR NR Change in BMI = –1.1 (–2.0 to –0.2) kg/m2.
Feinberg (34) Pre/post NR NR NR + + Change in HbA1c = –2.1%.

BP, blood pressure; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin; ND, no difference; NR, not reported; RCT, randomized controlled trial; +, indicates beneficial change in the measured parameters.


Shows raw data corresponding to outcomes that showed a beneficial change (+). For RCTs and nonrandomized trials with pre- and postmeasurements in both treatment and control groups, we assessed group differences in change (mean, Inline graphic; SEchange), using formulae [1] and [2]:

Inline graphic[1]

Inline graphic[2]

where Inline graphic= control group mean at baseline, Inline graphic = control group mean at study end, Inline graphic = intervention group mean at baseline, and Inline graphic = intervention group mean at study end. For pre/post study designs without control groups, we assessed change over time with formulae [3] and [4]:

Inline graphic [3]

Inline graphic [4]

where r is the correlation coefficient within individuals, assumed to be 0.5 (80). For RCTs or nonrandomized trials with control group and measurements only at study end, we assessed group differences at the end of the study, using formulae [5] and [6]:

Inline graphic [5]

Inline graphic[6]