Extended Data Fig. 10. Association of CG methylation with expression of reproduction-related genes in Arabidopsis allotetraploids.
a-d, CG methylation near genic regions of PSD5B (a), SMC6B (b), SMC1 (c), and SMC5 (d) and their mRNA expression patterns in A. arenosa (Aar), F1, Allo733 (733), Allo738 (738), and natural A. suecica (Asu). Black arrow indicate the orientation of gene. PDS5B: One of 5 PO76/PDS5 cohesion cofactor orthologs of Arabidopsis; SMC: STRUCTURAL MAINTENANCE OF CHROMOSOMES. Scales indicate mRNA (0–10 and 0–8) and CG methylation density (0–1) levels. Different letters in mRNA (TPM) indicate statistical significance of P < 0.05 (ANOVA test, n = 3).