Fig. 5. MdPR10-1 and MdPR10-2 participate in resistance to GBYB2, BXSB5, and BXSB7 in apple.
A Infection symptoms of WT and EV-, OE-MdPR10-1-, and OE-MdPR10-2-infiltrated NGR196 plants at 48 hpi with GBYB2. B, C Relative lesion areas B and relative biomass of A. mail C in the leaves of these plants. D–F Infection symptoms D, relative lesion areas E, and relative biomass of A. mail F in the leaves of WT and EV-, OE-MdPR10-1-, and OE-MdPR10-2-infiltrated NGR196 plants at 48 hpi with BXSB5. G–I Infection symptoms G, relative lesion areas H, and relative biomass of A. mail (I) in WT and EV-, OE-MdPR10-1-, and OE-MdPR10-2-infiltrated NGR196 plants at 48 hpi with BXSB7 plants. Throughout, the spore inoculum concentrations were 2 × 105 CFU/mL. Error bars = SDs; **P < 0.01 (Student’s t test). Similar results were obtained from three independent biological replicates