Construction of two m6A methylation modification patterns in pancreatic cancer from TCGA and ICGC datasets. (A) PCA plots showing before and after batch correction of TCGA and ICGC datasets. (B) An interaction network of m6A regulators. The size of the circle indicates the impact of each regulator on survival, and the larger the circle, the more relevant its expression is to the prognosis. The green dot in the circle indicates that the regulator is a protective factor for prognosis, and the black dot in the circle indicates that the regulator is a risk factor for prognosis. The lines connecting regulators indicate their interactions, negative correlations are marked in blue, and positive correlations are marked in red. (C) Multivariate cox regression analyses for assessing associations of m6A regulators with pancreatic cancer prognoses. (D) Consensus matrix heatmap when k = 2. (E) PCA plots showing the differences between m6A cluster A and B based on the expression profiling of m6A regulators. (F) Kaplan-Meier curves of two m6A clusters. P was determined with log-rank test. Distributions of (G) KRAS mutation, (H) TP53 mutation, (I) metastasis, and (J) diabetes in two m6A clusters.