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. 2021 Sep 17;8:748246. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2021.748246


Robot and patient personality traits impacts on outcomes.

Patient and perceived robot personality traits impacts on performance outcomes
Sig Traits Effect Study
Robot Patient
Introverted Introverted Sig Positive Andrist et al. (2015)
Extroverted Extroverted N.S Andrist et al. (2015)
Patient and Perceived Robot Personality Traits Impacts on Acceptance Outcomes
Sig Traits Effect Study
Robot Patient
Extroverted Extroverted Sig Positive Tapus and Matarić, (2008)
Introverted Conscientious Sig Positive Looije et al. (2010)
Patient and Perceived Robot Personality Traits Impacts on Social/Emotional Outcomes
Sig Traits Effect Study
Robot Patient
Extroverted Conscientious Sig Negative Looije et al. (2010)