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. 2021 Sep 30;4(9):e2127779. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.27779

Table. HbA1c Laboratory Test Adherence Rates During COVID-19 in Patients With and Without Diabetes Compared by Encounter Type and Specialty Managementa.

Telemedicine Office Telemedicine + office Adherence rate differences (office vs telemedicine)
HbA1c ordered, No. Adherent in 6 mo, No. (%) HbA1c ordered, No. Adherent in 6 mo, No. (%) HbA1c ordered, No. Adherent in 6 mo, No. (%) Difference, % P value
All specialties
With diabetesb 4822 2904 (60.2) 29 029 19 775 (68.1) 33 851 22 679 (67.0) 7.9 <.001
Without diabetes 4028 2056 (51.0) 25 843 13 278 (51.4) 29 871 15 334 (51.3) 0.4 .64
Total 8850 4960 (56.0) 54 872 33 053 (60.2) 63 722 38 013 (59.7) 4.2 <.001
Family medicine (only)
With diabetesb 2760 1675 (60.7) 19 675 12 954 (65.8) 22 435 14 629 (65.2) 5.1 <.001
Without diabetes 2141 1087 (50.8) 17 332 8828 (50.9) 19 473 9915 (50.9) 0.1 .93
Total 4901 2762 (56.4) 37 007 21 782 (58.9) 41 908 24 544 (58.6) 2.5 .01
Other specialties (excluding FM)
With diabetesb 2062 1229 (59.6) 9354 6821 (72.9) 11 416 8050 (70.5) 13.3 <.001
Without diabetes 1887 969 (51.4) 8511 4450 (52.3) 10 398 5419 (52.1) 1.8 .16
Total 3949 2198 (55.7) 17 865 11 271 (63.1) 21 814 13 469 (61.7) 7.4 <.001

Abbreviations: FM, family medicine; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c.


Subgroup analysis of HbA1c adherence rate differences between telemedicine vs office encounters calculated with “N − 1” χ2 tests (proportion differences with P value of .05).


Diabetes refers to type 2 diabetes. Electronic medical record data were selected for diabetes International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) code group: ICD-10-CM E11.