Figure 6.
Effect of vitronectin and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 heteromers on clustering of neutrophil b2 integrins. (A) Representative images of LFA-1/CD11a re-distribution and clustering in single neutrophils perfused over surfaces coated with E-selectin/CD62E, ICAM-1/CD54, and CXCL1 or CXCL1/VN-PAI-1 at indicated shear stress levels. LFA-1/CD11a expression is shown in pseudocolors as indicated by the lookup table (scale bar: 10 mm). (B) Scatter plot analysis of co-localized actin sum intensities versus co-localized LFA-1/CD11a sum intensities of single cells at indicated shear stress levels. (C) Quantification of actin co-localization and LFA-1/CD11a co-localization per clustered area at indicated shear stress levels (E-Selectin/CD62E + ICAM-1/CD54 coating: light green/yellow; E-selectin/CD62E + ICAM-1/CD54 + CXCL1 coating: dark green/brown; E-selectin/CD62E + ICAM-1/CD54 + CXCL1 + VN-PAI-1: grey; mean±standard deviation for n=3 independent experiments, n=6 flow chambers/coating, n=40-56 single cells/coating; *P<0.05 vs. E-selectin/CD62E + ICAM-1/CD54 coating).