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. 2021 Jul 17;37(5):1205–1214. doi: 10.1002/joa3.12589


Patient‐Level Characteristics of Cancers with atrial fibrillation versus Cancers without atrial fibrillation in 2005‐2015 of Patients age 65‐80

Characteristics Cancers with AF Cancers without AF P‐value
N = 18 684 706 N = 3 076 666 (16.5%) N = 15 608 040 (83.5%)
Male 1 792 995 (58.3%) 7 924 758 (50.8%) <.0001
Female 1 283 525 (41.7%) 7 679 425 (49.2%)
*Missing – 4003
Caucasians 2 353 070 (76.5%) 10 654 565 (68.3%) <.0001
African‐Americans 176 748 (5.7%) 1 445 919 (9.3%)
Others 546 735 (17.8%) 3 506 546 (22.5%)
*Missing – 1123
BMI <.0001
Colon 325 335 (10.65%) 1 659 302 (10.63%) .003
Pancreas 49 049 (1.6%) 362 896 (2.3%) <.0001
Lung 578 309 (18.8%) 2 477 666 (15.9%) <.0001
Other respiratory 6469 (0.24%) 31 572 (0.21%) .005
Breast 447 345 (14.5%) 2 483 820 (15.9%) <.0001
Prostate 538 850 (17.5%) 2 564 687 (16.4%) <.0001
Thyroid 36 886 (1.2%) 199 940 (1.3%) <.0001
Hodgkins 14 896 (0.5%) 59 563 (0.4%) <.0001
Non‐Hodgkins 190 080 (6.2%) 874 527 (5.6%) <.0001
Leukemia 147 709 (4.8%) 671 398 (4.3%) <.0001
Multiple myeloma 84 372 (2.7%) 373 153 (2.4%) <.0001
AHRQ comorbidities
Coronary arterial disease 1 127 748 (36.6%) 3 714 817 (23.8%) <.0001
Obstructive sleep apnea 213 675 (6.9%) 553 450 (3.5%) <.0001
Congestive heart failure 223 895 (7.3%) 363 096 (2.3%) <.0001
Valvular disease 274 048 (8.9%) 573 855 (3.7%) <.0001
Chronic pulmonary disease 989 132 (32.1%) 3 745 872 (24%) <.0001
Hypertension 2 051 799 (66.7%) 9 586 878 (61.4%) <.0001
Diabetes mellitus 967 174 (31.4%) 4 251 791 (27.2%) <.0001
Hypothyroidism 470 337 (15.3%) 2 017 313 (12.9%) <.0001
Renal failure 569 866 (18.5%) 1 796 852 (11.5%) <.0001
Obesity 312 301 (10.1%) 1 167 477 (7.5%) <.0001
Alcohol abuse 70 535 (2.3%) 323 822 (2.1%) <.0001
Drug abuse 12 832 (0.4%) 84 183 (0.5%) <.0001
RA/Collagen Vascular Disease 93 517 (3%) 430 026 (2.8%) <.0001

In‐hospital mortality

*Missing – 8544

183 767 (5.9%) 637 237 (4.1%) <.0001

Adjusted odds ratioa

1.31 (1.30‐1.32)

Length of stay, days (mean ± SD) 6.5 ± 6.9 5.4 ± 6.2 <.0001
Total hospitalization cost, $ (mean ± SD) 15 994 ± 20 353 13 144 ± 16 108 <.0001

Adjusted for race, gender, AHRQ comorbidities