Table A4.
Multiple Hypothesis Testing on Variables Related to Trust in Scientists.
Randomization-c p-values (joint test of treatment significance) | 0.005*** |
Randomization-t p-values (joint test of treatment significance) | N/A |
Randomization-c p-values (Westfall-Young multiple testing of treatment significance) | 0.037** |
Randomization-t p-values (Westfall-Young multiple testing of treatment significance) | 0.020** |
Notes: * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%. Randomization-t technique does not produce p-values for the joint test
of treatment significance. Results are derived from 100 iterations. Specification is Column 3 of Table 1. Source: Wellcome Global Monitor,
2018 and EM-DAT International Disaster Database, 1970–2017.