a Impact of Treg-specific Cd177-KO on the frequency of Treg cells within different tissues of normal or MC38-tumor-bearing mice (n = 6 for normal WT and n = 7 for KO mice; n = 13 for tumor TI-Treg cells and n = 4 for other tissues from tumor-bearing mice, T: tumor. b The ratios between TI Teff cells – including CD4 Tconv and CD8 T cells – and TI Treg cells in MC38 Tumors (n = 13 biological repeats). c Percentage of Ki-67+ T cells relative to total CD45+ leukocytes within different tissues from WT or Treg-specific Cd177-KO mice bearing MC38 tumors. Tissues were from similar experiments as in Fig. 5c tumor bearing mice (n = 7 WT and 5 Treg-KO). P-values are indicated when less than 0.05. T, tumor; DLN, draining lymph nodes; LN, non-draining lymph nodes; Sp, Spleen. d, e Heatmap showing gene expression of chemokine receptors within CD177+ and CD177− TI Treg cells, using flow-sorted CD177+ and CD177− TI Treg cells from 5 human breast cancer specimens (d data adapted from GSE89225 with patient number included), or RNA sequencing of splenic or TI Treg cells from MC-38 tumor bearing WT or Treg-specific Cd177-KO mice (e GSE150420, n = 3 each group; tumor KO group, n = 2). f–i Impact of CD177 on Treg recruitment into tumors. Splenic and thymic Treg cells (1:1 combined) from WT or germline CD177-KO mice of C57BL/6 background were purified (CD4+CD25+GITR+) and adoptively transferred into tumor-bearing congenic CD45.1 mice (f–g MC38; h–i Py8119). The frequency (f, h the number of Treg cells per mg tumor tissues) or viability (g, i percent death determined by Fixable Viability Dye eFluor780) of the recipient (CD45.1+) or donor (CD45.2+) TI Treg cells was determined using flow cytometry after 72 hrs of transfer (n = 3 WT and 4 KO tumor per group for f, g; n = 4 each group for h, i). j Impact of CD177 on Treg migration towards tumor lysates. Total splenocytes and thymocytes from littermates of WT or germline KO mice were seeded into Boyden chamber with 3 μm pore size, using 10% MC38 tumor homogenate as chemoattractant. Percent Treg migration was calculated using the number of migrated Treg cells divided by the sum of migrated and non-migrated Treg cells, determined by flow cytometry (n = 3 biological repeats). All data are presented mean ± s.t.d. Two-sided unpaired T-test was used for all group comparisons.