Figure 4.
IgLONs mRNA expression during development of the cerebral cortex. In situ hybridization of coronal sections of cerebral cortex from E16, P0, and P15 mice with antisense (A–O) or sense (C′–O′) cRNA probes for IgLON genes. IgLON1 was expressed in the cortical plate (CxP) at E16 and P0 (A, B). At P15, IgLON1 mRNA was observed in cortical layers II/III (CII/CIII) and V–VI (CV–VI) (C). IgLON2 mRNA was detected in the CxP at E16 and upregulated in the CxP at P0 (D, E). At P15, IgLON2 is expressed in layers CII/III and CV–VI of the cortex (F). IgLON3 expression was detected in the CxP at E16 (G) and P0 (H), and in layers CII/III and CV-VI at P15 (I). IgLON4 mRNA expression is restricted to the apical region of the ventricular zone (VZ) at E16 and at lower levels in the intermediate zone (IZ) (J). At P0, IgLON4 expression was detected in the CxP (K). Expression at P15 was observed in layers CII/III and CV–VI (L). IgLON5 was expressed at low levels in the CxP at E16 and P0 (M, N). At P15, IgLON5 mRNA was observed at low levels throughout the cortex (O). Scale bars = 125 µm (A, D, G, J, M), 250 µm (B, E, H, K, N), and 500 µm (C, C′, F, F′, I, I′, L, L′, O, O′).