Figure 2:
Examples of presurgical midsagittal plane displacement encoding with stimulated echoes MRI sets (each image set contains 22 frames obtained over the cardiac cycle) in participant 6, a 42-year-old woman with Chiari malformation type I. (A) Magnitude reconstruction (from cardiac frame 1/22) shows brainstem (red) and cerebellar mask (blue). (B) Phase image (from cardiac frame 15/22) with displacement encoded in the anteroposterior direction (arrow). (C) Phase image (from cardiac frame 15/22) with displacement encoded in the craniocaudal direction (arrow). B and C demonstrate anteroposterior and craniocaudal displacement from the frames with the peak motion. Bright pixels indicate motion to the right in B and in the caudal direction in C. No contrast agent was used in the study.