VSG distinctly modulates the β-cells transcriptome and, to a lesser extent, that of α-, δ- and PP-cells. a, Scatter plot showing the distribution of total counts (x-axis), number of genes expressed (y-axis) and fraction of counts in mitochondrial genes (color scale) in all endocrine cells. b, Boxplot showing the distribution of doublet scores in endocrine cell types. All groups display low median scores. Boxplot shows the extreme values and the interquartile range (IQR). Whiskers indicate 1.5 IQR of the lower and upper quartile. Outliers not shown. c, Violin plots of selected β-cell maturity, function and dedifferentiation in the β-cell cluster per group. d–f, Volcano plots showing very few significantly differentially expressed genes in (d) α-cells, (e) δ-cells and (f) PP-cells of VSG-treated mice compared to Sham (absolute estimated log(FC) > 0.15, B > 150 and FDR < 0.01). g–h, Bar plot depicting a selection of genes and their corresponding log(FC) differences between (g) VSG- and Sham- and (h) PF- and Sham-derived α-cells. i–j, GO terms and KEGG pathways derived from genes specifically upregulated in PF β-cells compared to (i) Sham and (j) VSG. Threshold at absolute estimated logFC > 0.15, B > 20, adjusted p < 0.01. X-axis indicates –log10(adjusted p-value).