Figure 6. Analysis of NIHCOLE and SM3 binding to other NHEJ factors and their effect on ligation efficiency.
A Recombinant Ku, APLF, and X4L4 were assessed for binding to FAM-labeled RNA and Cy3-labeled DNA by native electrophoresis. A representative image from three independent experiments is shown. B-D A NHEJ reconstitution assay with recombinant Ku and X4L4 (B) was used to evaluate the effect of in vitro transcribed NIHCOLE, SM3 and control RNAs on the ligation of 60bp dsDNA oligos. DNA was visualized by neutral PAGE in 15% acrylamide gel and imaged after SYBRsafe staining (C). Ligation efficiency of the 120bp ligation product was calculated against unligated substrate (D). Results show mean ± SEM (n = 4). See also Figure S6.