Figure 3.
Conformational examples of docking poses in which H6b [corresponding to trans-carveol (12), (A)], H3a [corresponding to cis-isopiperitenol (6), (B)], and H9b [the largest component of the byproduct docking pose group, (C)] of (S)-(−)-limonene contact the O atom bound to the Fe atom in heme. A view of the active site from the pocket entrance side. The heme and (S)-(−)-limonene are represented by orange and green sticks, respectively. The active site, heme oxygen is a red ball. The modification sites corresponding to H6b, H3a, and H9b are taken as magenta spheres. The orientation of the side chain ring of F87 (yellow stick) and the β-turn of T436-T438 (purple stick) changed depending on the modification sites on the substrate.