Potential of dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (d-DNP) for highly sensitive 13C NMR metabolomics at natural abundance. (A) d-DNP experimental scheme, where the sample is first hyperpolarized at liquid He temperature in a glass-forming solvent by microwave irradiation of free radicals, then rapidly transferred through a magnetic tunnel to a classical NMR spectrometer where conventional detection occurs. (B) First application of this experimental scheme in a natural abundance 13C metabolomics study, reported in 2020 by Dey et al. Scores plot of the principal component analysis (PCA) obtained from 40 spectral buckets from hyperpolarized 13C spectra of 16 tomato fruit extracts at different ripening stages (green vs red). Integrals were normalized to Na-TSP-d4 as an internal reference and to the weight of the sample used for extraction. Mean centering and unit variance scaling were used in PCA. (B) Reproduced from (Dey et al., 2020).