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. 2021 Sep 20;12:722078. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.722078


Genetic information identified in CTCs of platinum-drug resistance patients.

Patient ID Gene name § Sample (PM/PG) Sample (CTCs) Functions and pathways Drug resistance References
P1 SHKBP1 PG + RTK/RAS and TGFβ-related signaling in stem cells Erlotinib Wang et al., 2019
RRAD PM + Ras-related GTPase signaling Shang et al., 2016
P2 SHKBP1 PG RTK/RAS and TGFβ-related signaling in stem cells Erlotinib Wang et al., 2019
PPIL2 PG + Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) Jia et al., 2018
P3 EGFR PG + RTK/RAS signaling Multi-drug resistance
P4 NUMA1 PM, PG + Cell cycle Multi-drug resistance Qin et al., 2017
ZNF143 PM, PG + Cell cycle, apoptosis Multi-drug resistance Izumi et al., 2010
MUC16 PM, PG + Apoptosis Cisplatin, gemcitabine Lakshmanan et al., 2017; Kanwal et al., 2018
P5 LZTR1 PM, PG + Wnt signaling Motta et al., 2019
PELP1 PM, PG + Estrogen receptor signaling Słowikowski et al., 2015; Wang and Bao, 2020
P6 BPTF PM + Wnt signaling and TGFβ signaling Liu et al., 2011
ELP3 PM, PG + Chromatin organization, PI3K/ATK signaling Multi-drug resistance Xu et al., 2018b
P7 CSMD3 PG + Regulation of dendrite development Etoposide Qiu et al., 2019
PON1 PG + Regulating stem-cell related Nanog expression
P8 TP53 PG + Cell cycle arrest, apoptosis Multi-drug resistance
P9 ORC1 PM, PG + Cell cycle, stem cell related Zhang et al., 2020

PM, primary samples; PG, progressive samples; CTC, circulating tumor cells.

+, positive in CTCs; −, negative in CTCs.

§The genes’ full names were in the main text.