Migration of allogeneic bone marrow‐derived cells to the stomach of a patient with H pylori‐associated chronic gastritis. A, HE staining of the gastric biopsy of a female patient with acute myeloid leukaemia who received a bone marrow transplant from a male donor. B, Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of the gastric biopsy tissue from the same patient using CEPY (orange)/CEPX (green) dual‐colour probes. C, Quantitative chromosome analysis by FISH. D‐I, FISH analysis of localized areas of the gastric gland with immunofluorescent staining of CD105 (red) or CD45 (red). Y chromosome‐positive, CD105‐positive and CD45‐negative cells (white arrows) around epithelial glands correspond to BM‐MSCs. J, Data from The Cancer Genome Atlas showed that THBS2 gene expression is significantly higher in gastric tumour tissues (T, n = 408) than in normal tissues (N, n = 211). K, Survival analysis showed that patients with gastric cancer have poorer prognosis and a lower survival rate when THBS2 expression is high [HR =1.55 (1.29‐1.85, P = 1.4e‐06)]. *P <.05