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. 2021 Aug 30;40(19):e108863. doi: 10.15252/embj.2021108863

Table 1.

Neurodegenerative disorders associated with genetic intervention of autophagy in mice.

Setting Genetic intervention Effects on disease phenotype Ref.
Alzheimer disease Myeloid cell‐specific deletion of Trim16 Exacerbated endomembrane damage post‐infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Jia et al (2020)
Alzheimer disease Whole‐body deletion of Sqstm1/p62 Accumulation of hyperphosphorylated MAPT/tau and neurodegeneration Ramesh Babu et al (2008)
Alzheimer disease Whole‐body deletion of Nrf2 Aberrant accumulation of phosphorylated and sarkosyl‐insoluble tau protein Jo et al (2014)
Alzheimer disease Conditional excitatory neuron‐specific deletion of Atg7 Reduced extracellular Aβ plaque burden, linked to cognitive dysfunction in APP transgenic mice Nilsson et al (2013)
Alzheimer disease Whole‐body deletion of Nrbf2 Impaired cognitive fitness and increased Aβ plaque accumulation Lachance et al (2019)
Alzheimer disease Whole‐body deletion of Trem2 Impaired metabolic fitness and increased accumulation of autophagic vesicles in the microglia of 5XFAD mice Ulland et al (2017)
Alzheimer disease Conditional myeloid cell‐specific deletion of Atg5 or Rubcn Exacerbated Aβ plaque accumulation and inflammation within the hippocampus of young 5xFAD mice Heckmann et al (2019)
Alzheimer disease Whole‐body deletion of Atg16LΔWD Exacerbated Aβ plaque accumulation, neuroinflammation and Tau hyperphosphorylation Heckmann et al (2020)
Alzheimer disease Neuron‐specific deletion of Lamp2 Exacerbated Tau acetylation, extraneuronal release and propagation, linked to accelerated disease progression Bourdenx et al (2021), Caballero et al (2021)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Whole‐body deletion of Epg5 Muscle denervation, myofiber atrophy, late‐onset progressive paralysis, and reduced survival Zhao et al (2013)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Conditional motoneuron‐specific deletion of Tbk1 Accelerated early disease onset in SOD1G93A mice, linked to increased accumulation of ubiquitinated aggregates Gerbino et al (2020)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Whole‐body knock‐in of mutant Tbk1G217R or Tbk1R228H Accelerated early disease onset but extended lifespan in SOD1G93A mice, linked to reduced microglia IFN response Gerbino et al (2020)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Whole‐body deletion of Grn Exacerbated symptomatology linked to increased accumulation of pathological TDP‐43 in neurons Chang et al (2017)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Conditional neuron‐specific deletion of Xbp1 Reduced disease onset in SOD1G93A mice after inducing autophagy in motoneurons Hetz et al (2009)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis AAV‐mediated hippocampal‐specific deletion of C9orf72 Exacerbated cognitive and motor deficits, hippocampal neuron loss, and DPR protein accumulation, after autophagy inhibition Zhu et al (2020)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Whole‐body allelic loss of Becn1 Increased lifespan of mutant SOD1 transgenic mice Nassif et al (2014)
Focal malformations of cortical development Brain somatic mutations in MTOR Cortical abnormalities that are highly associated with medically intractable epilepsy, intellectual disability, developmental delay, and autism‐spectrum disorders Park et al (2018)
Axon growth POMC neuron‐specific deletion of Atg7 Abnormal development of POMC neuronal projections, associated with metabolic dysregulations Coupe et al (2012)
Cognitive fitness shRNA‐dependent hippocampal‐specific deletion of Becn1, Atg12 or Rb1cc1 Impaired capacity to generate novel memories Glatigny et al (2019)
Food intake and energy balance AgRP neuron‐specific deletion of Atg7 Increased neuronal lipid accumulation, associated with altered energy balance and food intake after starvation Kaushik et al (2011)
Huntington disease Conditional whole‐body deletion of WDFY3/ALFY Accumulation of proteinaceous deposits, linked to accelerated onset and progression of Huntington disease pathogenesis Fox et al (2020)
Ischemic brain damage Whole‐body allelic loss of Sod2 Increased infarct volume under hyperglycemic conditions, linked to increased oxidative DNA damage Mehta et al (2011)
Ischemic brain damage Neuron‐specific deletion of Atg7 Complete protection from neonatal hypoxic/ischemic brain injury Koike et al (2008), Xie et al (2016)
Nerve injury Schwann cell‐specific deletion of Atg7 Delayed myelin degradation and generation of repair cells after injury Gomez‐Sanchez et al (2015)
Neurodegeneration Neural cell‐specific deletion of Atg5 Development of progressive deficits in motor function linked to cytoplasmic inclusion body accumulation in neurons Hara et al (2006)
Neurodegeneration Conditional CNS‐specific deletion of Atg7 Behavioral defects and premature death, linked to massive neuronal loss and cytoplasmic inclusion body accumulation Komatsu et al (2006)
Neurodegeneration Conditional radial glial cell‐specific deletion of Rb1cc1 Progressive loss of NSCs pool and impaired neuronal differentiation in the postnatal brain Wang et al (2013)
Neurodegeneration Conditional CNS‐specific deletion of Wdr45 Reduced motor coordination, impaired learning and memory, and extensive axon swelling Zhao et al (2015)
Neurodegeneration Conditional neuron‐specific deletion of Wipi3 Behavioral defects and cerebellar neuronal loss after non‐canonical autophagy inhibition Yamaguchi et al (2020)
Neurodegeneration Conditional telencephalon‐specific deletion of Vps15 Severe progressive cortical atrophy associated with caspase‐induced apoptosis Gstrein et al (2018)
Neurodegeneration Whole‐body knock‐in of hypomorphic Atg16l1 Developmental retention due to delayed differentiation of stem cells in the brain Wu et al (2016)
Neurodegeneration Conditional NSC‐specific co‐deletion of FoxO1, FoxO3 and FoxO4 Initial proliferation of neural progenitor cells in early postnatal life, followed by NSC pool decline in adult brains Paik et al (2009)
Neurodegeneration Purkinje cell‐specific deletion of Atg7 Progressive cell autonomous dystrophy and degeneration of the axon terminals Komatsu et al (2007)
Neurodegeneration Whole‐body deletion of TAX1BP1 Aberrant accumulation of high molecular weight ubiquitin conjugates and lipofuscin Sarraf et al (2020)
Neuropathies Whole‐body deletion of Fam134b Degeneration of sensory neurons after inhibition of ER‐phagy Khaminets et al (2015)
Neuropathies Whole‐body deletion of Tecpr2 Exacerbated age‐dependent behavioral aberrations and neuroaxonal dystrophy, after accumulation of autophagosomes Tamim‐Yecheskel et al (2020)
Neurotransmission Post‐mitotic excitatory neuron‐specific deletion of Atg5 Increased accumulation of tubular ER in axons, linked to increased excitatory neurotransmission and premature death Kuijpers et al (2021)
Parkinson disease Microglia‐specific deletion of Atg7 Increased α‐synuclein accumulation and neurodegeneration Choi et al (2020)
Parkinson disease Whole‐body deletion of Rubcn Reduced α‐synuclein accumulation in the brain, linked to reduced age‐related interstitial fibrosis in kidney Nakamura et al (2019)
Parkinson disease Conditional SN neuron‐specific deletion of Atg7 Resistance to retrograde axonal degeneration Cheng et al (2011)
Parkinson disease

AAV‐mediated SN‐specific knock‐in of dominant‐negative Ulk1

Attenuated MPTP‐induced axonal neurodegeneration Balke et al (2020)
Parkinson disease Whole‐body deletion of Prkn Impaired striatal neural plasticity, linked to increased sensitivity to oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction (exacerbated in Mutator mice but rescued by loss of STING) Goldberg et al (2003), Palacino et al (2004), Kitada et al (2009), Pickrell et al (2015), Sliter et al (2018)
Parkinson disease Whole‐body deletion of Pink1 Increased sensitivity to oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction Gautier et al (2008)

AAV, adeno‐associated viral vector; AgRP, agouti‐related protein; APP, amyloid precursor protein; CNS, central nervous system; DPR, dipeptide‐repeated; MPTP, 1‐methyl‐4‐phenyl‐1,2,3,6‐tetrahydropyridine; NSCS, neural stem cell; OGD, oxygen glucose deprivation; POMC, proopiomelanocortin; SN, substantia nigra; TDP‐43, transactive response DNA‐binding protein of 43 kD.