Figure 1.
Cumulative proportion of (A) male and (B) female D. virilis that were qualitatively fertile at each time point post-eclosion. Individuals were either kept at benign temperatures (23°C) or stressed (4 h at 38°C) during the pupal stage (Sample sizes (number of individuals): benign males = 45, stressed males = 29, benign females = 35, stressed females = 45). Both sexes eclose as sexually immature adults and become fertile as they sexually mature. This rate of maturation is significantly slower in males that have been exposed to 38°C heat shock as pupae. Error ribbons represent 95% confidence intervals estimated from survival model fits. (C) Estimated OSR based on fertility patterns in A) and B) (OSR, proportion of fertile males as the proportion of all fertile adults). Horizontal dashed line represents a 1:1 sex ratio.