Table 2.
Intraoperative data. ‘Total IN’ is the sum of crystalloid, colloid, and blood product administration, and ‘Total OUT’ is the sum of estimated blood loss, urine output, and gastric suction. Net fluid balance is the difference of Total IN–Total OUT. Data are expressed as mean (standard deviation) or median and [25th–75th] percentiles. Of note, only one subject received packed red blood cells in each group (272 and 307 ml, respectively). CLV, closed-loop vasopressor.
Variable | Control group (n=15) | CLV group (n=15) | P-value |
Anaesthesia duration (min) | 415 (132) | 434 (122) | 0.670 |
Surgery duration (min) | 321 (134) | 329 (117) | 0.850 |
Baseline crystalloid (ml) | 1600 [1000–1900] | 1300 [900–2500] | 0.917 |
Bolus of crystalloid (ml) | 1300 [1000–6200] | 1100 [700–2400] | 0.361 |
Bolus of colloid (ml) | 750 [500–1000] | 500 [500–1000] | 0.884 |
Total IN (ml) | 3325 (1739) | 3004 (1308) | 0.573 |
Estimated blood loss (ml) | 550 [400–1700] | 672 [300–1300] | 1.000 |
Urine output (ml) | 350 [260–550] | 500 [380–1000] | 0.101 |
Gastric suction | 88 [35–138] | 200 [100–300] | 0.009 |
Total OUT (ml) | 1100 [725–1810] | 1522 [800–2525] | 0.419 |
Net fluid balance (ml) | 1879 (917) | 1318 (896) | 0.101 |