(A, B) Schematic illustrations demonstrate the meaning of
the pixel values of a T2 map. (A) Several signals are
acquired with different echo times (TEs) by using a multiecho spin-echo
(MESE) MRI sequence. When plotted as a function of TE, the intensities
of each pixel form an exponential decay curve. The shorter the T2, the
steeper the curve. (B) An exponential fit of the form
S(t) = Soexp
(−t/T2), where S(t) is the
measured signal at time t, So is the signal
before T2 decay, exp is the natural exponential function, and
(−t/T2) is the negative ratio of the
measurement time t and the T2 relaxation rate, is
performed on the data points, resulting in a T2 value for each point,
here drawn on a colored map. The color mapping of two sample points is
shown for illustrative purposes. (C) Preprocessing workflow
of image data. T2 maps are generated from exponential fitting of the
time series MESE data, and the anatomic images are reformatted so that
they all have the same spatial resolution, field of view, and image
plane. Cor = coronal, DESS = double-echo in steady-state, NN = neural
network, Sag = sagittal, S/So = signal with/before T2 decay,
TSE = turbo spin echo.