Interloop interactions. (A) Interaction of Ala 67 (β3-β4 loop) with Leu 242 and Tyr 248 residues (β14-β15 loop) as well as adjacent Gly 261, Ala 262 and Ala 263. (B) Interaction of His 69 (β3-β4 loop) with Tyr 248 (β14-β15 loop). (C) Interaction of Asp 80 (β3-β4 loop) with Leu 242 (β14-β15 loop). (D) Interaction of Val 143 (β9-β10 loop) with Leu 244, Tyr 248, Leu 249 and His 245 residues (β14-β15 loop). Dashed lines indicate direct interactions (red: hydrogen bonding, Blue: carbonyl-carbonyl, yellow: ionic, orange: polar, green: hydrophobic, light green: aromatic, light blue: Van der Waals). Modelling and visualization were performed within the COVID-3D Biosig portal. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)