Effects of XXMD on ROS production, hyperpermeability, and NLRP3 inflammasome in HPAEpiC after NLRP3 overexpression. (a, b) HPAEpiC were transduced with pLVX-Puro-NLRP3, and the level of NLRP3 was detected. These cells were transduced with pLVX-Puro-NLRP3 or blank pLVX-Puro vector and then treated with XXMD (1 mg/mL) for 24 h and (c) the cell viability analysis, (d) TEER, (e) FITC permeability, (f, g) the expression level of ZO-1, CLDN4, NLRP3, and caspase 1, and (h) the levels of IL-1β and IL-18 were determined. Data are presented as the means ± SD, n = 3. ∗∗∗P < 0.001 compared with vector; ##P < 0.01 and ###P < 0.001 compared with NLRP3.