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. 2021 Jan 22;44(5):2857–2878. doi: 10.1007/s10143-020-01470-5

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Superior eyelid and precaruncular approaches. A The superior eyelid crease approach starts with a skin incision performed at level of the supratarsal fold (black dashed line). B Superior tarsus (Ta) and levator palpebrae superioris muscle (LPSM) are identified. C The superior orbital rim is detached from the periorbit (Pe). D The subperiosteal dissection is continued along the orbital roof (OR). The anterior (AEF), medial—when present—(MEF), and posterior ethmoidal foramina (PEF) are identified in the medial aspect of the surgical corridor. The optic canal (OC) and the superior orbital fissure (SOF) are identified in the posterior portion of the orbit. E Both the precaruncular (PC) and lateral retrocanthal approach (LRC) display an overlap as regards the superior eyelid crease corridor. The trajectory of the precaruncular approach (white arrow, PC) lies at the medial aspect of the orbital cavity and requires sequential cut of the ethmoidal bundles. F The lateral retrocanthal approach (white arrow, LRC) is located in the lateral aspect of the orbital cavity and, similarly to the superior eyelid crease approach, offers direct exposure of the inferior orbital fissure (IOF), inferiorly, zygomatic bone (ZB) and greater sphenoidal wing (GW) laterally, and SOF superiorly. AEA, anterior ethmoidal artery; Ost, optic strut