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. 2021 Jan 22;44(5):2857–2878. doi: 10.1007/s10143-020-01470-5

Table 2.

Anatomical studies

Author Year Origin Nr of specimens Portals Approach Craniectomy Reconstruction Target area Surgical landmarks
Saraceno [59] 2020 Italy 5 heads TO SLC and ILTEA Drilling the GSW N/A MCF SOF, IOF, TM
Bon-Jour Lin [38] 2019 China 5 heads TO Lateral canthotomy with cantholysis + preseptal lower eyelid Removal of GSW, drilling between FR and FO Titanium Mesh, Miniplates FR, FO, PPF, ITF, MCF, MC, GG, LWCS GSW, MOB, ION, SOF, TM, IOF
Laleva [33] 2019 Bulgaria 3 heads TO SLC extending through the zygoma By removal of LOW and sphenoid ridge N/A Anteromedial: ACP, optic canal, ON, ICA; Posteromedial: LWCS; Posterior: MC, petrous apex; Inferior: ITF, pterygoid fossa ZF, SF, TM, FZS, sphenoid ridge, MOB, ACP, LSW, SOF, GSW, FR, VC, FO
Bon-Jour Lin [37] 2019 China 4 heads TO SLC + Lateral canthotomy and cantholysis Large bone drilling of the GSW, LOW, SOW to reach to ACF and MCF dura N/A MIS, tentorium, MC, interpeduncular cistern, prepontine cistern MLA, MOB, SOF, OC, IOF, anterior clinoid, M1 of MCA
Noiphitak [52] 2018 USA 7 heads TO + (endoscopic extraorbital corridor) Extended incision from the lateral canthus towards lateral + canthotomy Removal of LOW, drilling from IOF to SOF. Dural incision was made to reach the temporal lobe N/A MIS, tentorium, MC, interpeduncular cistern, prepontine cistern MLA, MOB, SOF, OC, IOF, ACP, M1 of MCA
Noiphitak [51] 2018 USA 5 heads TO SLC Removal of SOW, laterally from the SOF to FS, removal of LOW from SOF to TM and from SOF to IOF None ACF, MCF, ICA, ACA, Chiasm, MCA SOF, IOF, AEA, PEA, OC, MOF
Noiphitak [50] 2018 USA 5 heads TO + (endoscopic extraorbital corridor) + anterior transpetrosal Extended incision from the lateral canthus towards canthotomy N/A N/A Infratentorial region, PF, CN IV, V, VII, VIII, most anterosuperior, anteroinferior and posterosuperior accesible points of the brainstem LOW, TM, GWS, Temporal dura, GSPN, LSPN, MMA, CNV1-3, Kawase triangle, IAC, tentorium cerebelli, CN IV
Di Somma [20] 2018 Italy 5 heads TO + Supraorbital SLC (+ eyebrow incision) Initially performed through zygoma (temporal fossa) and continued though GSW N/A Parasellar and lateral MCF (i.e. Sylvian fissure), MCA, most inferior visible point of CS IOF, SOF, GSW, LSW, MOB, ACP, ICA
Di Somma [21] 2018 Italy 5 heads TO + Supraorbital SLC Initially performed through zygoma (temporal fossa) and continued though GSW N/A Petrous bone, Cerebellopontine angle space, MIS, Ventral brainstem space SOF, TM, IOF, MMA, FS, FO, MOB, GSPN, pICA, GG, tentorium
Di Somma [19] 2017 Italy 10 heads TO SLC 4 types proposed: 1) lateral corridor to MCF, 2) lateral corridor to ACF, 3) combined lateral to MCF and ACF with LSW removal and 4) medial corridor to opticocarotid region N/A ACF, MCF GSW, SOF, LSW, TM, IOF, MMA, MOB, MCA
Almeida [1] 2017 USA 4 heads TO + (TN) SLC Via drilling the orbital roof and GSW. TM is the lateral limit for craniectomy. 2-layer temporal fascia graft Sylvian fissure, MCA, AL surface of insula, ICA, crural and ambiens cistern MLA, SOF, IOF, TM, ACP, MCA
Priddy [56] 2017 USA 9 heads TO SLC Drilling of GSW and LSW N/A MC SOF, MOB, LOW, GSW
Dallan [14] 2017 Italy 5 heads TO SLC Drilling of GSW N/A CS SOF, MLA, GSW, MOB
Di Somma [21] 2017 Italy 5 heads TO + (TN) SLC Until optic chiasm by removal of ACP N/A ON, OC SOF, OC, PEA, ICA
Ciporen [11] 2017 USA 3 heads Transnasal (clival) compared with TN + TO PC Transnasal transclival N/A Posterior cerebral vessels (BA – proximal to its apex –, PCA, SCA, and AICA) AEA, PEA, lamina papyracea
Ciporen [10] 2016 USA 8 heads Transnasal (clival) compared with TN+TO PC Transnasal transclival N/A Cavernous ICA AEA, PEA, lamina papyracea
Matsuo [44] 2016 USA 7 orbits Translateral orbit Translateral orbital wall approach (orbitozygomatic approach) LOW, GSW osteotomy N/A Superior. and lateral surfaces of the orbit, OC, SOF, and CS (after drilling the GSW and ACP MCF, KT could be reached) TM, LOW, GSW, SOF
Ferrari [25] 2016 Italy 7 heads TO Inferolateral orbital rim Triangle between SOF and IOF exposing TM, ITF, and MCF N/A 4 corridors: MC corridor (GG, SPS), carotid foramen (ET, ICA), petrous corridor (GSPN, EA), transdural MCF corridor (medial surface of TL, temporal horn of lateral ventricle, tentorium) ZFB, ZTB, IOF, SOF, MOB, MLA, FO, V2, V3, MMA, FS, FR
Alqahtani [2] 2015 Italy 5 heads TO + TN Transpalpebral (transverse supratarsal skin incision) By removal of superior orbital wall Multilayer with synthetic graft, mucoperiosteal septal graft ACF, MCF (i.e. ON, ICA, sellar/suprasellar structures) AEA, PEA, ON, SOF
Bly [6] 2014 USA 5 heads + computer-aided modelling TO LRC GSW removal between IOF and SOF N/A Lateral CS IOF, SOF, ION
Bly [4] 2012 USA 4 heads +14 CT scans (computer-aided modelling) 2 TN, 8 TO TN, LRC, TC, PC, SLC, N/A N/A Pre - postchiasmatic cistern, CS, MC. SOF, Third ventricle, basal cistern, clivus N/A
Ciporen [9] 2010 USA 5 heads TO + TN + Supraorbital PC (plus TN and supraorbital minicraniotomies) N/A N/A PG, OC, cavernous ICA, clivus, AEA, PEA, FES
Duz [24] 2009 Turkey 5 heads TO + (TN + keyhole) 1) Inferolateral orbitotomy-EOA, 2) endoscopic endonasal medial orbital approach, and 3) transcranial keyhole endoscopic orbital approach N/A N/A Orbit TM, AEA, PEA

ACF anterior cranial fossa, ACP anterior clinoid process, AEA anterior ethmoidal artery, ALC anterior lacrimal crest, CS cavernous sinus, EOA endoscopic orbital approach, FES frontoethmoid suture, FO foramen ovale, FR foramen rotundum, FS foramen spinosum, FZS frontozygomatic suture, GG Gasserian ganglion, GSW greater sphenoidal wing, ICA internal carotid artery, ILTEA inferolateral transorbital approach, IOF inferior orbital fissure, ITF infratemporal fossa, KT Kawase triangle, LOW lateral orbital wall, LRC lateral retrocanthal, LSW lesser sphenoidal wing, LWCS lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, MC Meckel`s cave, MCF middle cranial fossa, MIS middle incisural space, MLA meningolacrimal artery, MMA middle meningeal artery, MOB meningoorbital band, MOW medial orbital wall, N/A not applicable, OA orbital apex, OC optic canal, ON optic nerve, PC precaruncular, PCF posterior cranial fossa, PEA posterior ethmoidal artery, PS preseptal lower eyelid, SF supraorbital foramen, SLC superior eyelid crease, SOF superior orbital fissure, ST superior turbinate, TL temporal lobe, TM temporalis muscle, TN transnasal, TO transorbital, VC Vidian canal, VN Vidian nerve, ZF zygomaticotemporal foramen, ZFB zygomaticofacial bundle, ZTB zygomaticotemporal bund