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. 2021 Sep 21;8:711435. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.711435

Table 3.

The comparison of clinical and CT manifestations during hospitalization between the patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) with normal and abnormal CT findings in the last follow-up scan after discharge.

All patients (n = 135) Normal (n = 68) Abnormal (n = 67) p -value
Pulmonary Lesion Absorption Period, median (IQR), day / 42.50 (34.75–55.25) / /
Period between discharge and the last follow-up CT scan, median (IQR), day 29.00 (28.00–54.50) 28.00 (27.75–32.25) 33.00 (28.00–62.50) 0.019*
Period between onset and the last follow-up CT scan, median (IQR), day 57.00 (47.50–76.50) 53.00 (47.00–65.25) 60.00 (48.50–87.00) 0.041*
Clinical information
Age 44.15 ± 13.67 41.53 ± 13.26 46.81 ± 13.66 0.024
Gender, male/female 79/56 42/26 37/30 0.487
Underlying comorbidity yes/no 41/94 21/47 20/47 1.000
Clinical group: non-severe/severe 112/23 63/5 49/18 0.003
CT manifestations from the scan at the peak stage
Morphology <0.001
Nodular 1 (0.7%) 1 (1.5%) 0 (0%)
Large-path 42 (31.1%) 12 (17.6%) 30 (44.8%)
Linear 8 (5.9%) 8 (11.8%) 0 (0%)
Patchy 84 (62.2%) 47 (69.1%) 37 (55.2%)
Extent 7.34 ± 4.69 6.01 ± 3.73 8.69 ± 5.18 0.001
CT manifestations from the scan before discharge*
Lesion involvement* 0.001
None 7 (5.2%) 6 (8.8%) 1 (1.5%)
Diffuse 23 (17%) 5 (7.4%) 18 (26.9%)
Multifocal 92 (68.1%) 47 (69.1%) 45 (67.2%)
Unifocal 13 (9.6%) 10 (14.7%) 2 (4.5%)
RUL* 86 (63.7%) 34 (50%) 52 (77.6%) 0.001
RML* 62 (45.9%) 21 (30.9%) 41 (61.2%) <0.001
Distribution* 0.001
None 6 (4.4%) 5 (7.4%) 1 (1.5%)
Both 41 (30.4%) 12 (17.6) 29 (43.3%)
Subpleural 88 (65.2%) 51 (75%) 37 (55.2%)
None 7 (5.2%) 6 (8.8%) 1 (1.5%) 0.002
Nodular 1 (0.7%) 1 (1.5%) 0 (0%)
Large-patchy 18 (13.3%) 3 (4.4%) 15 (22.4%)
Linear 3 (2.2%) 3 (4.4%) 0 (0%)
Patchy 106 (78.5%) 55 (80.9%) 51 (76.1%)
Reticulation* 19 (14.1%) 2 (2.9%) 17 (25.4%) 0.005
Extent* 5.19 ± 4.17 3.68 ± 2.46 6.72 ± 4.95 <0.001

Pulmonary lesion absorption period: The period from onset to the first CT scan with normal appearance.

In the comparison of CT findings between the two groups, only the imaging manifestations with significant difference were displayed in the table.

CT manifestations from the scan at the peak stage.


CT manifestations from the scan before discharge.

The p value in bold indicates that P is less than 0.05 and is statistically significant.