Figure 2.
Cohesin haploinsufficiency induces loss of interactivity of promoter-enhancers at tumor suppressor genes. (A) Correlation plot between the compartment c-scores of Smc3/Bcl6 versus Bcl6 tumor cells at 100kb resolution. (B) Correlation plot for the change in compartment c-scores of Smc3/Bcl6 versus Bcl6 tumor cells and the change in compartment c-scores of Smc3wt /– versus Smc3wt /wt centrocytes (CC) at 100kb resolution. (C) Correlation plot for the log2 normalized loop interactivity of Smc3/Bcl6 versus Bcl6 tumor cells at 20kb resolution. (D) Correlation plot for the log2 fold change of normalized loop interactivity of Smc3/Bcl6 versus Bcl6 tumor cells and the log2 fold change of normalized loop interactivity of Smc3 wt/– versus Smc3 wt/wt centrocytes (CC) at 20kb resolution. (E) Virtual 4C analysis showing normalized interactions with the Tet2 promoter for Bcl6 tumors (blue line) and Smc3/Bcl6 tumors (red line) at 20kb resolution. Loop calling significance following the mango approach are shown for Bcl6 and Smc3/Bcl6 tumors with –log10(FDR). Enhancers were defined as H3K27Ac peaks mapped in germinal center B cells by Mint-ChIP. Rad21 ChIP-seq was performed in the mouse lymphoma cell line CH12.LX (35). The differences between normalized interactions with the Tet2 promoter are shown as log2 fold-change between Bcl6 and Smc3/Bcl6 tumors. (F) RT-qPCR for Tet2 mRNA in Bcl6 (n=3) and Smc3/Bcl6 (n=3) tumors, normalized to Hprt1 mRNA expression.