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. 2021 Sep 21;12:712555. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.712555

Table 2.

Areas of neurodegeneration and their correlations with functional domains/measures.

Study Participants (Relative to clinical diagnosis) Area of neurodegeneration Correlated functional domain/measure
Douaud et al. (32) Clinically diagnosed HD Caudate (indicated by both manual segmentations and VBM) Motor (Purdue pegboard®, UHDRS-TMS, Hand-arm test), cognitive (Symbol Digit Modalities Test), everyday functioning (TFC)
Douaud et al. (32) Clinically diagnosed HD Putamen, globus pallidus (indicated by both manual segmentations and VBM) Motor (Purdue pegboard®, UHDRS-TMS)
Jech et al. (40) Clinically diagnosed HD Caudate, internal capsule, occipital lobes, cerebellum, brainstem (VBM) Motor (UHDRS-TMS)
Bechtel et al. (41) Before HD clinical motor diagnosis, Clinically diagnosed HD Caudate, putamen, superior temporal, precentral, internal/external capsule, subgyral frontal white matter (VBM); Occipital, parietal, and primary motor cortical thickness Finger tapping (variability of tap durations and inter-onset intervals)
Scahill et al. (42) Before HD clinical motor diagnosis, Clinically diagnosed HD Striatal, occipital (VBM) Quantitative motor (tongue force), oculomotor (anti-saccade error rate)
Starkstein et al. (44) Clinically diagnosed HD Caudate, frontal, and left sylvian cistern atrophy Memory/speed-of-processing (based on factor analysis of neuropsychological test scores)
Peinemann et al. (45) Clinically diagnosed HD Caudate (VBM) Executive function (Tower of Hanoi, STROOP, modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test)
Bäckman et al. (49) Clinically diagnosed HD Frontal region volume Memory, executive function (Trail Making Test—part B, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure—memory, Word Recall, Perseverative Errors)
Aylward et al. (50) Clinically diagnosed HD Frontal lobe volume, frontal lobe gray and white matter volume General cognitive functioning (Mini Mental State Examination, general verbal and spatial ability)–the correlations did not survive correction for overall brain volume loss
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