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. 2021 Oct 5;101(3):303–327. doi: 10.1007/s41745-021-00260-2

Table 2:

Selected studies pertaining to epidemic simulations to support policy planning. The great majority of these investigate intervention strategies to reduce disease outbreaks.

Number Type of study Description References
1 Epidemiological Determine which intervention strategies are most effective in reducing outbreak size 73
2 Economic Determine which intervention strategies are most cost-effective; i.e., the reduction in outbreak size per unit expenditure 15
3 Epidemiological Different intervention triggers by demographic class 14
4 Epidemic tracking Simulations run during a large outbreak by policy planners for situational awareness 36
5 Epidemiological Demonstrates, for stylized networks, that homogeneous vaccination strategies can be counterproductive and that strategies should depend on social network local conditions 134
6 Epidemiological Comparisons of vaccination strategies based on local versus regional conditions 98
7 Epidemiological Evaluation of drugs and vaccines that are under development 1
8 Epidemiological Influenza-based interventions for school-age children 32
9 Economic Paid sick leave and its effect on outbreak size 88
10 Epidemiological Influenza outbreak and various containment strategies 62
11 Epidemiological and social Influenza outbreaks in (slums of) Delhi, India 100
12 Epidemiological and social Interventions for influenza in (slums of) Delhi, India 3