Isl1-derived precursors are born within germinal zones of the LGE. (a) Bar graph of % tdTomato+/EdU+ birth-dating following E12.5 EdU pulse (18.4% ± 0.5), E13.5 EdU pulse (60.1% ± 1.1), E14.5 EdU pulse (24.7% ± 2.0), and E15.5 EdU pulse (5.5% ± 1.6). n = 3–4 brains per condition in Isl1cre/+:tdTomato animals analyzed at P21. (b) Experimental design for birth-dating Isl1-derived cells using B6 neonatal mice transplantation model. Note, microdissected LGE cells are tdTomato−, except for labeled blood vessels within proliferative zone. (c) Cross section of neocortex in B6 tdTomato− mouse brain transplanted 2 weeks earlier with LGE progenitor cells. EdU+ (green), tdTomato+ (red), or tdTomato+/EdU+ (yellow) cells dispersed with the majority of labeled neurons located in superficial layers. (d) High magnification image of (b) shows EdU+/tdTomato+ cells with EdU+ neighboring cells. (e) Bar graph of tdTomato+/EdU+ of total transplanted cells shows 20.2% ± 4.4 striatal cells, 17.4% ± 2.7 hippocampal cells and 9.2% ± 1.1 cortical cells, P < 0.05, Student’s t-test. n = 4 brains. Scale bars represent 200 μm (c) and 20 μm (d).