Fig 3.
The design of colour-coded labels (A, B) and warning labels (C, D). (A) UK traffic light label uses green, amber, and red to represent low, moderate, and high levels of fat, saturated fat, sugar, and sodium per 100 g or per 100 ml on the front of food packages, respectively, with addition of the % reference intake value for calorie and each nutrient. (B) NS includes a colour spectrum ranging from dark green to dark orange with letters from A to E. Products assigned an “A” were considered to have the best nutritional quality while “E” the poorest. (C) Chilean warning labels is a type of NW with a textual warning “high in [calorie/nutrient]” presented on the octagonal signs in a black-and-white design. (D) California safety warning is a type of HWs designed for sugar-sweetened beverages with ≥75 calories contributed by added sugar. HW, health warning; NS, Nutri-Score; NW, nutrient warning.