A) Determination of the decision time point between dauer entry or continuation of normal development of DAF-2::degron animals at 25°C. The animals were synchronized for 2 days in M9 at 20°C, then put onto NGM OP50 plates at 20°C. Next, DAF-2::degron animals were put on plates supplemented with auxin after the indicated time on the x-axis and shifted to 25°C. The ratio of dauers and adult animals was determined 2 days later. Each time point was repeated four to seven times with n = 976–2022. The red line shows the average, black dots indicate single measurements. (
B) Determination of the decision time point between dauer entry or continuation of normal development of DAF-2::degron animals at 25°C. The animals were synchronized for 2 days in M9 at 20°C, then put onto NGM OP50 plates at 20°C. Next, DAF-2::degron animals were put on plates supplemented with auxin after the indicated time on the x-axis and shifted to 20°C. The ratio of dauers and adult animals was determined 3 days later. Each time point was repeated four to seven times with n = 735–1791. The red line shows the average, black dots indicate single measurements. Note that dauers at 20°C tend to crawl off the plate, the graph is only an approximation, and there are likely more dauers on the plate. (
C) Gonadal cell count of L1 animals after 24–25 hr on OP50. The dotted red line divides a younger population that enters dauer and an older population that continues development. The percentages indicate two arbitrarily divided groups with few and many gonadal cells to match the observation in panel A that approximately 50% of the animals continue development at 24–25 hr. The experiment was repeated five times with n = 289. (
D) Simultaneous knockdown of degron-tagged DAF-16 in DAF-2::degron;
daf-16::mNG::degron led to fertile adults. Bar = 2 μm. (
E) 10 mM auxin causes embryonic lethality. The same amount of egg suspension was put on plates, and the number of offspring was counted several days later. This experiment was repeated four times for DAF-2::degron and two times for wild type. Error bar represents s.d. *: p < 0.05. For (A–C, E), see
Source data 1 for raw data and statistics.