Figure 1. GJA1-20k decreases in mitochondrial size.
(A–C) Representative live cell images of mitochondria in HEK293 (A, GST- or GJA1-20k-transfected; B, Control and siGja1) and mouse neonatal cardiomyocytes (C, WT, GJA1-20k-transducted, and Gja1M213L/M213L). The right-most panels are magnified images. (D) and (E) Representative EM images from young mouse hearts (D, WT or Gja1M213L/M213L) and adult mouse hearts (E, GST- or GJA1-20k-injected). (F) Summary of the fold change in the average area of mitochondria. (n = 51 (GST), 67 (GJA1-20k), 52 (Control), or 57 (siGja1) HEK293) cells from five independent experiments; n = 46 (WT), 47 (GJA1-20k), or 48 (Gja1M213L/M213L) cells from four hearts; n = 84 (WT) or 91 (Gja1M213L/M213L) images from six hearts; n = 25 (GST), or 28 (GJA1-20k) images from three hearts. Graphs were expressed as mean ± SD (HEK293) or± SEM (mouse). p values were determined by two-tailed Mann-Whitney U-test or Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s post-hoc test. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Scale bars, 10 μm and 5 μm in magnified (A–C); 2 μm (D and E). Exact p values and statistical data are provided in the source data.