A) Experimental scheme for
Figure 1D and E: animals were stained for 20 min with a solution of DiI in M9 buffer or with DiI in M9 buffer supplemented with 25 mM sodium azide. The fluorescence intensity was quantified for neurons and for AMsh directly after staining (t = 0) or after 1 hr of worm recovery on regular plates in the absence of sodium azide (t = 1 hr washout). (
B) Maximum intensity projection of DiI staining in the phasmid sensilla, PHA/B neurons show homogenous membrane staining, and phasmid sheath glia contain neuronally derived DiI vesicles (magenta arrowheads). (
C) Maximum intensity projection of DiI-stained animal previously treated with 25 mM sodium azide 15 min prior to imaging. In these conditions, dye I is not incorporated in ciliated neurons nor in the glia. As these animals did not undergo de-staining in a plate with food (see Materials and methods), DiI is seen deposited in the animal cuticle. Scale bar: 20 μm.