(A–D) Representative images of N2 animals expressing AFD::TSP-7-wrmScarlet and pOsm-3::mEGFP, driving expression in a subset of eight amphid neurons (ADF, ADL, ASE, ASG, ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK). In wild-type animals, all the EVs exported from AFD (magenta arrowheads) end up in AMsh glia (blue dashed outline). AFD was outlined based on expression intensity of TSP-7-wrmScarlet. (E–H) Representative images of AMsh::DTA animals expressing AFD::TSP-7-wrmScarlet and pOsm-3::mEGFP. When glia is ablated, the EVs released from AFD (magenta arrowheads) are rerouted to nearby cells like hypoderm (magenta outline in E) and several amphid neurons. Overlap of TSP-7-wrmScarlet with GFP in the somata of the osm-3 neuronal subset allowed to confirm the presence of TSP-7-wrmScarlet EVs within ADF, ADL, ASE, ASH, ASI, and ASJ (magenta arrowheads in F–H), although we cannot discard the presence of TSP-7-wrmScarlet in non-mEGFP labeled amphid neurons. Scale bar: 20 μm for top head images, 5 μm for insets.