Fig. 1. Temperature responsiveness of ebullitive methane flux from two post-glacial lakes.
Ebullitive CH4 flux as a function of surface sediment temperature (data were binned in 1 °C intervals; see Methods) from June to September 2009–2014 for the edge vs. middle regions of a Lake Mellersta Harrsjön (MH) (MH edge—n = 1581, MH middle—n = 795 independent ebullitive CH4 flux measurements) and b Lake Inre Harrsjön (IH) (IH edge—n = 2318, IH middle—n = 432 independent ebullitive CH4 flux measurements). Error bars in a and b are 95% confidence intervals, fit lines are 2nd-degree polynomials, and points are means. c Arrhenius plots of the data in a and b (n = 5126 independent ebullitive CH4 flux measurements); ln(bubble CH4 flux) vs. the inverse surface sediment temperature in K. Points are means and error bars are 95% confidence intervals. Data are color-coded by the lake and by edge (littoral) and middle (pelagic) zones.