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. 2021 Sep 18;86(5):856–895. doi: 10.1177/00031224211041094

Table C1.

Selection into Higher Education

m1: Logistic Model Predicting Enrollment (baseline: no college) m2: Multinomial Logistic Model Predicting Highest Level of Educational Attainment (baseline: no college) m2: Multinomial Logistic Model Predicting Major Field of Study among Those Enrolled (baseline: STEM)
Enrollment Bachelor’s Degree Graduate Studies HASS Business/Agric. Education
Variables Coef. SE Coef. SE Coef. SE Coef. SE Coef. SE Coef. SE
Parent Income .612*** (.099) .373*** (.085) .615*** (.108) −.101 (.100) .084 (.109) −.212 (.195)
Parent Education .776*** (.176) −.070 (.222) .192 (.332) .396 (.287) .091 (.325) .296 (.625)
Household Size −.157* (.073) −.078 (.079) −.316** (.110) .108 (.094) .183 (.106) .059 (.163)
Parent Immigrant 1.002** (.353) .289 (.261) .227 (.322) .129 (.323) .117 (.339) −.823 (.619)
Black .699* (.343) .230 (.327) .144 (.420) .201 (.444) .047 (.471) −1.291* (.626)
Hispanic −.210 (.281) −.832** (.304) −.233 (.348) −.445 (.333) −.651 (.382) −.373 (.656)
Asian 1.425 (1.160) .353 (.686) 1.572* (.645) −.206 (.581) −.430 (.748) −13.317*** (.622)
Mainline Protestant .078 (.317) .368 (.299) .408 (.395) −.689 (.356) −.215 (.412) .232 (.892)
Catholic .529 (.286) .279 (.269) .324 (.355) −.722* (.327) −.198 (.381) .381 (.824)
Evangelical Protestant −.426 (.283) −.368 (.300) −.566 (.409) −1.023** (.378) −.804 (.434) −.184 (.841)
African American Protestant −.500 (.441) −.962* (.462) −1.066 (.642) −1.613** (.614) −1.133 (.654) −.060 (1.048)
Jewish −.662 (.640) 1.261 (.714) 1.377 (.775) −.001 (.680) .607 (.733) .555 (1.366)
Mormon .115 (.544) −.518 (.492) −.855 (.703) −.867 (.682) −.498 (.697) .600 (1.099)
Other Religion −.603 (.460) −.408 (.420) −.155 (.579) −.601 (.514) −.854 (.761) −12.933*** (.893)
Indeterminate Religious Tradition .352 (.556) .308 (.564) .078 (.782) .754 (1.162) 1.937 (1.192) −11.934*** (1.294)
Parent Conservative .164 (.178) .250 (.167) .371 (.209) −.294 (.202) −.263 (.223) −.400 (.388)
Parent Liberal .089 (.207) .140 (.201) .209 (.262) −.092 (.232) −.339 (.265) .490 (.454)
Female .506** (.156) −.107 (.147) .139 (.185) .418* (.175) −.030 (.188) 1.234*** (.353)
Higher Education Important for Parents .180* (.072) .092 (.082) .232* (.119) −.034 (.098) .118 (.116) −.125 (.183)
College Aspirations .671** (.221) .717* (.325) 1.251* (.602) −.684 (.487) −.744 (.538) −.983 (.879)
Grades in High school .605*** (.078) .790*** (.092) 1.216*** (.125) −.237* (.107) −.242* (.112) .307 (.214)
Popularity at School −.075 (.078) −.105 (.080) −.082 (.090) .008 (.088) .189 (.103) .229 (.175)
Feelings of Meaninglessness .031 (.072) −.149 (.079) −.190* (.096) −.085 (.092) −.375*** (.102) .045 (.193)
Conformity −.138 (.075) .117 (.077) −.002 (.092) −.085 (.092) .115 (.105) .067 (.193)
Social Concern .036 (.078) .103 (.079) .027 (.097) .228* (.097) .033 (.098) −.407* (.180)
Against Premarital Sex −.109 (.085) .014 (.084) −.119 (.104) −.081 (.099) −.066 (.103) −.049 (.190)
Religiosity .092 (.103) .042 (.102) .254 (.130) .262* (.117) .308* (.123) .750*** (.225)
Moral Relativism −.216 (.153) .019 (.151) −.220 (.188) −.114 (.182) .030 (.194) −.007 (.339)
Ever Suspended in High School −.434* (.188) −.776** (.262) −.259 (.334) −.520 (.302) −.283 (.334) −1.702 (1.078)
Changed High School −.493** (.150) −.439** (.149) −.451* (.192) −.215 (.179) −.107 (.196) −.387 (.345)
Parent Homeowner .363* (.178) .264 (.214) .216 (.293) −.238 (.265) −.682* (.283) .257 (.543)
Constant .196 (.409) −.866 (.489) −2.815*** (.785) 1.825** (.706) 1.914* (.774) −1.766 (1.404)
n = 1,610 n = 1,279 n = 952

p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001 (two-tailed tests).