Table D1.
Higher Education and Moral Foundations
Moral Foundations | ||||||||||
Individualizing | Binding | |||||||||
Variables | Harm | Fairness | Loyalty | Authority | Purity | |||||
Education Attained (ref. cat.: no educ. beyond HS) | ||||||||||
Some College | −.053 | (.070) | .072 | (.071) | −.034 | (.069) | −.024 | (.062) | −.093 | (.062) |
Bachelor’s Degree | −.164 | (.099) | .003 | (.101) | −.144 | (.100) | −.059 | (.094) | −.134 | (.093) |
Graduate Studies | −.026 | (.110) | .060 | (.112) | −.188 | (.108) | −.161 | (.106) | −.182 | (.106) |
Major Field of Study (ref. cat.: no educ. beyond HS) | ||||||||||
Humanities/Arts/Social Science | .074 | (.065) | .054 | (.067) | −.174* | (.070) | −.156* | (.071) | −.177* | (.069) |
STEM | .008 | (.070) | −.035 | (.070) | −.050 | (.071) | −.054 | (.070) | −.071 | (.071) |
Business/Agriculture | .049 | (.076) | −.005 | (.077) | .094 | (.077) | .115 | (.074) | .115 | (.075) |
Education | .163 | (.127) | .152 | (.132) | .259 | (.134) | .249 | (.142) | .323* | (.137) |
Parent Income | −.050 | (.028) | −.050 | (.028) | −.064* | (.028) | −.091** | (.028) | −.058* | (.027) |
Parent Education | .159* | (.062) | .101 | (.063) | .054 | (.064) | −.012 | (.058) | −.092 | (.055) |
Household Size | −.033 | (.023) | −.010 | (.023) | −.012 | (.023) | .015 | (.023) | −.004 | (.022) |
Parent Immigrant | .207* | (.090) | .188* | (.086) | .042 | (.090) | .101 | (.090) | .114 | (.083) |
Black | −.120 | (.108) | .153 | (.108) | −.296** | (.113) | .295** | (.096) | .207* | (.097) |
Hispanic | .028 | (.089) | .190* | (.091) | −.054 | (.091) | .045 | (.087) | .097 | (.086) |
Asian | −.318 | (.174) | −.216 | (.224) | −.285 | (.184) | −.211 | (.193) | −.220 | (.197) |
Mainline Protestant | −.037 | (.091) | .014 | (.093) | .250** | (.090) | .270** | (.092) | .048 | (.091) |
Catholic | −.120 | (.084) | −.020 | (.086) | .193* | (.082) | .167* | (.079) | .084 | (.078) |
Evangelical Protestant | −.200* | (.090) | −.037 | (.092) | .203* | (.092) | .236** | (.084) | .109 | (.085) |
African American Protestant | −.156 | (.141) | .107 | (.145) | .091 | (.145) | .141 | (.127) | .020 | (.130) |
Jewish | −.049 | (.180) | −.089 | (.162) | .064 | (.170) | .203 | (.152) | .036 | (.155) |
Mormon | −.051 | (.155) | −.026 | (.153) | .312* | (.142) | .440** | (.139) | .353* | (.149) |
Other Religion | −.061 | (.147) | .082 | (.149) | −.372* | (.148) | −.022 | (.153) | .076 | (.165) |
Indeterminate Religious Tradition | .017 | (.163) | .229 | (.165) | .353* | (.162) | .370* | (.144) | −.003 | (.153) |
Parent Conservative | −.086 | (.052) | −.089 | (.052) | −.011 | (.052) | .056 | (.049) | .071 | (.048) |
Parent Liberal | .048 | (.060) | .199** | (.061) | −.073 | (.060) | −.052 | (.061) | −.043 | (.061) |
Female | .269*** | (.046) | .066 | (.047) | −.101* | (.046) | .122** | (.043) | .217*** | (.044) |
Higher Education Important for Parents | .023 | (.024) | .024 | (.024) | .017 | (.022) | −.014 | (.022) | .021 | (.022) |
College Aspirations | .022 | (.080) | −.036 | (.081) | −.069 | (.077) | −.037 | (.076) | −.158* | (.071) |
Grades in High School | −.024 | (.028) | −.023 | (.029) | −.039 | (.028) | −.021 | (.026) | −.049 | (.026) |
Popularity at School | −.000 | (.024) | .020 | (.024) | .092*** | (.024) | .094*** | (.023) | .126*** | (.023) |
Feelings of Meaninglessness | −.028 | (.023) | −.028 | (.022) | −.059* | (.023) | −.027 | (.022) | −.049* | (.021) |
Conformity | −.017 | (.023) | .002 | (.024) | .057* | (.023) | .081*** | (.022) | .043* | (.022) |
Social Concern | .118*** | (.024) | .103*** | (.024) | −.011 | (.022) | −.023 | (.022) | −.013 | (.022) |
Against Premarital Sex | .069** | (.025) | .043 | (.026) | .049 | (.026) | .054* | (.025) | .080** | (.025) |
Religiosity | .018 | (.031) | −.011 | (.031) | .060* | (.031) | .159*** | (.030) | .175*** | (.029) |
Moral Relativism | .044 | (.046) | .010 | (.046) | .021 | (.045) | −.036 | (.045) | .012 | (.044) |
Ever Suspended in High School | −.118 | (.066) | −.170** | (.066) | −.007 | (.064) | −.082 | (.061) | −.021 | (.058) |
Changed High School | .042 | (.046) | .036 | (.046) | −.048 | (.044) | −.017 | (.044) | .053 | (.044) |
Parent Homeowner | .135* | (.064) | .076 | (.064) | .108 | (.063) | .073 | (.060) | .121* | (.059) |
Constant | −.242 | (.138) | −.232 | (.140) | .004 | (.137) | −.214 | (.126) | −.028 | (.124) |
Note: N = 2,012.
p < .05; **p < .01; **p < .001 (two-tailed tests).