The target in the complex-display (colored symbols) and simple-display tasks (open symbols) is big enough to not be limited by acuity. The complex (colored symbols) displays are limited by crowding, which is eccentricity dependent. The acuity test (line symbol) is limited by acuity, which is also eccentricity dependent. The simple-display tests (open symbols) are not affected by crowding or acuity limits and are independent of eccentricity. For each test, the table provides the slope
m of the regression line
describing how the standard observer’s performance
p drops with eccentricity
φ in deg, where
m is the slope in deg
−1. For each task, the performance
p is measured proportion correct, except for the acuity index
pacuity (
Eq. 5). Solving
Eq. 7 for the equivalent eccentricity yields the conversion formula
using the value of
m corresponding to the task for which
p was measured. (For acuity,
Eq. 8 is equivalent to
Eq. 4.)